A cup of coffee

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"Whew what a relief! Seems like I'll get the job offer" Dahyun had went through the interview and it went well.

"You seem happy. Did you get the job, Dahyun?"

Dahyun turned around and made eye contact with a girl. Sana.

DH: Well, it went well. I hope that  I'll get the job. It's been my dream to have this job for really long.

SN: Well, what made you want to take up songwriting? 

DH: Let's talk over a cup of coffee.

SN: Are you asking me out on a date, Dahyun? ;)

DH: Well, if it seems like that to you, yea sure. Would you like to go out on a coffee date with me, Sana?

SN: Teehee, sure ~

They went to a nearby cafe. It was a really well known and expensive cafe.

DH: You know, you had a bestfriend?

SN: Oh? Really?  I moved here when I was young. I couldn't recall what happened during my childhood.

Apparently, Sana suffered from a mild amnesia from an accident in Japan and had forgotten about her childhood.

DH: Sana, it's me! I was your bestfriend. Kim Dahyun. Don't you remember?

Sana looked at Dahyun with a confused gaze.

SN: I don't know what you're talking about, Dahyun. Maybe you got the wrong person?

Dahyun took out her phone and showed Sana the pictures from their childhood.

"Is this…me? No it can't be. I'm Japanese. This girl is from Korea. There's no way I'll know her."

"Hey Sana! Out for coffee without me?  I'm so hurt"

Saida turned around and saw a familiar face. Momo!

MM: Hey, Dahyun, Sana! You know eachother? Wow, what a small world.

SN: Yea! I met her in my workplace. She asked me for directions to the interview room.

DH: Yea…would you like to join us?

MM: I'd be more than happy to.

Saidahmo sat in the cafe for a while and had a chat, and coffee too. Dahyun was worried for her best friend.

DH: So, how did you both meet?

SN: Oh, Momo was my classmate, and from there we became best friends!

Hearing that, Dahyun's heart sank. Best friend? I'm your only best friend!

MM: That's right!

Dahyun couldn't help but try to keep in a tear. Sana saw the sadness in her eyes.

SN: Dahyun ah~, what's wrong?

DH: Oh, it's nothing. I'll get the bill now.

Dahyun paid for the coffee and left. Holding her tears in and tried not to show anyone her sadness.

"Dahyun ah~" She continued walking. Her pace increased.

Dahyun felt a tap on her shoulder.

SN: Do you have a place to sleep?

DH: N…no. It's none of your business.

SN: Come on, I'll bring you to my place if you don't mind.

Dahyun couldn't reject an offer from her best friend, could she? 
She reluctantly agreed and followed the older girl.

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