"Why did you want me to meet him?" Ivar asked looking at her.

"He is a big part of my life" she looked at him giving him a small smile, "You had asked to know more about me" she nudged her head towards Elwin as he tossed under his sheets.

"Why is he here?" Ivar asked looking around at the mass numbers of children laying on the floor, many coughing or moving.

"He was left on the door step when he was a baby, he's 5 years old now" she smiled down at Elwin as he began to stir and waken under her touch.

"what is wrong with him?" Ivar asked raising a brow. "He looks healthy compared to some of the other children in here" he looked around, for a moment Kendra could see Ivar as a human. Curious, yet sympathetic.

"He was left with his brother. But his brother had passed with the recent surge of plague" Kendra stated looking around the room. "Many of the children were left parentless with the plague, some disfigured and scarred from the plague. They resumed the beds of those that were lost". She looked at him, Ivar nodding and impressed with her knowledge and bravery to help those in need. Something that was missing in his own world back home.

"Does the church take them in?" he asked curious now looking at the body that wiggled under the covers in front of him.

"Only the ones lucky enough to find their way here" she shrugged, smiling down at Elwin now fluttering his eyes open and reaching to hold onto Kendra's skirt for comfort.

"Why do you care for him so?" Ivar asked sceptical of the situation. "Most children here probably won't live to age?" he stated looking around.

"I was working the night he and his brother were left here, I helped care and settle him" Kendra smiled at Ivar. Appreciating his curiosity and interest in the topic.

"She does a good job at looking after me" Elwin finally spoke looking up at Ivar. His eyes wide, but not with fear. As Ivar looked at him and gave a small nod.

"what is your name young one?" Ivar asked, causing Elwin to look up at Kendra for reassurance.

"It's okay Elwin. Ivar won't hurt you, he's just here to meet you" Kendra smiled wiping his eyes from sleep.

"My name is Elwin sir" he smiled, heaving his body up and under the furs to look at Ivar. Showing interest in the conversation going on around him.

Ivar gave a small laugh. "Sir?" Ivar asked raising his brow at Elwin before watching Elwin nod his head.

"All men are called sir Ivar" Kendra reassured Ivar before giving Elwin a small smile. Causing Ivar to nod at Kendra, trying to understand their ways.

"You English do and say weird things" Ivar joked.

"Are you one of them?" Elwin asked, looking at Ivar's armour "one of the scary godless men?" Elwin asked in addition, curious and slightly scared. Causing Ivar to look at Kendra unsure of how to answer.

"I wouldn't say Godless, we just have many gods" Ivar added trying not to get angry at a mere child questioning his faith and upbringing.

"Ivar is a Northman Elwin" Kendra smiled.

"The one you are to marry?" Elwin asked as Kendra looked down surprised "We heart things you know" Elwin answered her unasked question "We may be ill or sheltered but not all of us are death" He smiled. His whit in turn caused Ivar to laugh, looking up at Kendra and her shocked expression.

"We are to marry yes" Kendra answered. Ivar going silent at the ease of her answer. Causing him to realise how marriage is a definite and with Christian, his thoughts and feelings becoming conflicted.

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