Kendra bit her lip with her teeth nervously, before nodding to herself. "I would like that Ivar, I do not wish to marry a stranger either" she smiled at his as he looked up at her, giving her hand a squeeze. Before her tried to pick himself up. Kendra had jumped up and passed him one of his crutches. "You had not the first cripple I had met, or with poor legs Ivar". She reassured him, noticing he was about to argue over her helping him.

He rolled his eyes, choosing better than to argue with her over some crutches. "Will you let me walk with you inside?" he asked nervously.

Kendra nodded walking in through the doors, side by side with Ivar. "Thank you, for sitting and talking with me Ivar" she smiled.

He hummed and nodded his head "I had already explained I wished for you to hear it sooner rather than later" He paused. "I also wanted to ask to get to know you" he smiled a small smile. "So long as you still okay with that" he began to ramble.

Kendra had reached for Ivar's hand once more. "You do not need to explain, I will see you in the morning Ivar" Kendra gave his hand a squeeze, "I am going to retire to my room now Ivar, I will see you tomorrow" she smiled, he watched her hand and nodded letting her pass. He stood watching her turn away from him, her green dress float along the stone steps. He smiled once their eyes had met, giving her a nod. Silently wishing her a peaceful sleep.


The sun light was shining through the curtains, and the sound of servants busying themselves with their morning routine. As Kendra tossed and turned under her covers to try and savour a few more moments.

"Morning Kendra! It's time to get up" one of the servants chimed. Receiving a groan in response as Kendra kicked her feet over the side of the bed.

"Morning" Kendra groaned sliding out of the bed and walking over to the basin to wash her face.

"Do you have any plans for today?" the servant had asked politely.

"I do believe Ivar and I were going to try and get to know each other a little better" she kept a straight face.

"Are you going to marry a heathen?" the servant asked coming to a halt.

"If my father wills it and its for best for our people then I will" Kendra spoke up. "I can't say I'm thrilled at the idea of it" she shrugged making her way to her dresses. Settling on a purple velvet with silver trim this time.

"But how would that work? You are a Christian?" the servant asked now tightening the ribbon of the dress.

"Ivar is a pagan it would be difficult. But, so long as I stay true to my beliefs" Kendra paused "Compromising where possible. There is no reason it won't at least be a decent matrimony".

"So long as you are sure, we all wish you nothing but good luck" the servant smiled. Giving Kendra a finally nod, signalling that she was ready for the day. Siding her hair back and into a jewelled head peace, letting it hang freely down her back. Before leaving her room and joining her father for breakfast.

"Morning Kendra" her father cheered looking up from his plate.

"Morning father" Kendra chimed, before taking a seat at the table and picking at some of the food.

"We have to talk" her father stated, making eye contacting with her across the table.

"about the talks last night father?" Kendra asked putting her food in mouth and taking the time to chew to listen to him.

"I had tried not to hand you over to them. But it Is needed to save our people" he rambled on, causing Kendra to grow annoyed.

"Now father, from what I know. You were rather quick to marry me off to one of those heathens" she paused, "Ivar himself came to tell me last night, that it is him I shall be marrying". She looked up at him, Her father in shock. "I have no problem in playing some chess pawn in this game to ensure our people are safe, I just wish I could have had some more control over my own life in the process".

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