"Butter on my sandwich too." 26

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I was finally home and glad to be, everyone else was happy too. Mack would be checked out on the 7th, it was currently the 4th, of December to be specific. Everyone gave me some space, well kind of... Elty & Colby were smothering me which didn't turn out so well ya know. Protective older brother versus love of my life.

I was currently in the kitchen with Elton and Colby - shocker - while making a PB&J. I'm weird though and put butter on my sandwich too. Colby gave me a weird look and when I put my bread together - triumphantly might I add - to take a bite, he took a giant bite. I pouted and Elton just snickered.

I smacked him with my sandwich then scarfed it down, I was so so glad that things were finally going back to normal.


A/N Omg guys I am SO SO sorry!!! I haven't updated in like 2 months and I apologize, I just didn't feel like it. I'm also sorry for the short chapter the next one will be longer.

Should I make a long time skip like say a year or two later or nah? Also would you like to see anything happen? I would love to hear your opinions.

Have an amazing day- oh yeah also shameless plug. I'm going to be starting a new story soon but it wont be a fanfic so yeah.


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