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y'all let's get this show on the road and write a real chapter because this book still doesn't have a plot and i don't want it to be 203842084208 years long ugh

Namjoon smiled to himself as he read Jimin's latest note, eyes scanning the page with conflicting emotions. 

It's wonderful that the other boy thinks so highly of him. But things are actually quite different.

He does cry. Quite a lot. But he locks it inside his brain and keeps it to himself, because in his household crying is a sign of weakness.

His dad is hurting him. But he's used to it. 

And there's no way that he's amazing. In fact, it's the other way around.

dear jimin, he scribbled quickly. 

i used to know your brother.

"No." He muttered, crossing the line out. How was he going to say this? 

His mind traveled back to primary school, back to when he was a different person. Back to when he was a bully. 

Hoseok. That was his name. His prime victim. Never fought back, never told a soul, but always cried. 

It was only after he had grown up a bit, after he had moved away, that Namjoon realised how utterly despicable his actions were. And knowing that Hoseok had died in a car crash before he had a chance to say sorry? It broke him. 

 i'm sorry about your brother.

That was better. But that wasn't the truth. 

was hoseok his name? 

i don't know what to say, but i want you to know that i send my condolences. 

He can hear footsteps coming up the stairs. 

It's my stepdad, he thinks.

just remember that i'll always be here for you, that you're amazing and kind and beautiful and i'll support you in whatever you do.

On impulse, he scrawled the last line without thinking and folded the paper hurriedly. 

love, namjoon

As he flung it out the window, Namjoon thought about Hoseok's scared face, his smile gradually souring. 

It's too late to say sorry.

oh yay, the world's worst chapter aahahahaahah 

also, namjoon was a bully dun dun dun (idk what i'm doing bye)

UNEDITED (i think my tenses are conflicting because i didn't know what tense to write in lololol)

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