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dear boy at the window,

why don't you close your window? just wondering. today it was raining, yet you still sat in your room and cried.

i'm proud of myself, actually. i managed to get my last note to you. even though it took a few attempts, i made it. have you read it yet?

if you don't want to talk to me, that's fine. i'm used to it. but i'll talk to you. i hope it's fine with you.

anyway, is that a pillow pet i see in your room? i used to have one of those. i hugged it to sleep every night. my parents threw it away though :(

i'm scared to make this into an airplane and try to get it to you. the rain might make it all soggy, and if it drops into the bushes again like yesterday, i'll have to write it again.

sorry, i'm probably bothering you with my talking. but please just signal if you want to chat!

- jimin

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