After quite a few minutes of searching, he finally came across Y/N in one of the storage rooms. She was moving boxes with her back facing him.

"Need some help?" he spoke.

"I'm good, thanks." she mumbled, still somewhat annoyed by his dismissal of her plan earlier.

He closed the door and begun to help anyway. She kept quiet and continued searching for the decorations causing Jake to let out a guilty sigh.

"I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I know your intentions are good and it was contradicting of me to tell you not to do something when I do it everyday."

She stopped her movements and stood straight to look at him. He removed his helmet as she unhooked the mask that covered her mouth and nose."I get that you're just doing your duty but I can take care of myself. I'm just tired of all the doom and gloom and I want to feel useful for a change."

"What do you mean? You are useful." He frowned, sad that she thought less of herself.

"No im not. Katie's a teacher, she has children to look after and teach. You're a police officer so you've got a job to get on with and protect everyone. I, on the other hand, am only here because my appointment had ran over time and my apartment is on the other side of the corden. I've not got a purpose here." she sighed.

Jake began to laugh, believing her words to be idiotic."Of course you have a purpose here. You clearly don't see just how needed you are. You're always helping Katie with entertaining the kids. You've been a supportive and kind friend to her too. You make sure I'm safe each day before I go out on patrol. You're helping me find out what's really going on. You're also keeping me in check which is probably the most important of all. So if anything, you more useful than any of us and I guess I need you the most. " He informed her with a grin.

She was now showcasing a grin too with a hint of a blush due to the last few words he'd spoke."Thanks for saying all that."

"It's true." He gave a slight nod is reassurance. "Now let's get these things back upstairs so we can get it looking festive." A wide smile gracing his lips as he grabbed a few boxes and headed out, Y/N following suit.


After an hour or so all the decorations were up. Katie and the children had excitedly helped the pair to decorate. A tree covered in multicoloured lights, baubles of varying size and layers of tinsel, stood proudly in the room along with hanging paper snowflakes and festive bunting. Now all that was left was waiting for the day to arrive.


The time soon flew by and two days after it was finally here. Christmas day. The children spent the day singing carols and discussing their perfect Christmas with each other as Katie and Y/N joined in.

Jake arrived in the room, after his daily rounds, to them all singing with bright smiles on their faces. His own face lighting up at the sight as he placed his helmet and bulletproof vest down and leaned against the door frame.

Y/N noticed his presence and gave him a small wave in which he returned. He then gestured, with his head, for her to come over and she excused herself before doing so. Jake led her into the empty hallway just outside of the room.

Kai Parker/Jake Riley ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now