If You Die, I'll Kill You

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Natasha had been working behind the enemy lines to sabotage the department's communications and generally cause mayhem, but she quickly redirected herself when she saw that there was a group of teenagers trying to fight off the soldiers.

To their credit, they were doing fairly well — they had half the forest animals on their side, and one of them had charmed a few soldiers into fighting for them. But still ... these were overwhelming forces. So, Natasha sprang up behind a soldier who had managed to get a grip on one kid who had a scorpion tail — she'd seen him around the school but didn't remember his name — and simply broke the man's neck before she ushered the student away and toward safety.

"What are you all doing out here?" she said, sounding exasperated, even though she already knew the answer to the question before they spoke up.

"Hey, we're X-Men," said the young woman with a bow and a crow on her shoulder — apparently one of Kate's little proteges.

"Yeah, we're not going to shy away from a fight," said the scorpion-like one.

Natasha sighed and fought the urge to roll her eyes before she settled in to fight alongside them. The least she could do was make sure that these kids didn't get themselves in any further in over their heads than they already were.

She looked beyond the little group of them to see a rather impressive-looking knot of soldiers. "Who's in trouble?" she asked, pointing herself that way.

"Oh, um ... Tyler's a feral, so they're kinda... targeting him," replied a girl who looked a few years younger than the others, with brilliantly shiny scales. "Tammy's helping him."

Natasha didn't have to ask who Tammy was; she could see the blond girl floating above the knot of soldiers and throwing some of them aside — with a few flying several feet in the air only to come down in the forest to be attacked by the creatures waiting there.

She was about to rush over to help the two kids in that large knot when she heard ... singing.

"Let go of me!" called out the girl with the scales, and Natasha spun around in surprise to find that, in fact, the soldier released his grip.

She was going to have to ask Cyclops to fill her in on this new generation, she decided as she flat out tackled the guy who thought grabbing a small little girl was a good idea while she was around, and he writhed in agony underneath her for a long moment before she finally killed him.

When she looked up again, she was just in time to see movement In the middle of the knot of soldiers. One of them finally gotten a hold of Tammy.

Tyler had barely heard her muffled cry for help in time to turn and see for himself that they were pulling her back — pinned down, with one of them covering her mouth with his hand.

He didn't even think or process it as he went beyond a snarl and into an honest to God roar that got half of those on the lawn of the school to just ... stop for a second before he tore into them, claws out and snarling as he cut through them seemingly without thinking about it. Those that were holding on to Tammy were the first to really get it; it seemed he was completely single-minded about punishing those that were trying to hurt her.

But even when she was freed, Tyler just ... kept going. He was tearing through soldiers left and right, and it didn't look like he would stop anytime soon.

Natasha was the closest to what was going on, and she half barked at the rest of the kids to move their fight somewhere else before she took off running his way. "Nice energy; do you want me to finish up while you get your girl out, or should I do that part?" she called out to him as she got a bit closer.

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