Weapon X Files And Video Tapes

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When Kate caught up with Scott and Natasha, they were both already seated in front of the laptop as Natasha scrolled through the contents of the flash drive. It looked like they would have plenty more records to sift through, and Kate paused to ask one of the bamfs to check on Krissy, who was with Annie and the twins, before she let out a sigh and headed for the coffee pot to make sure they were all fueled up for another round of researching.

"Wait — that's a video file," Scott said, though it wasn't necessary, as Natasha was already making a little humming noise as she narrowed her eyes to open it up.

Kurt teleported in before the video file could start playing, and Natasha paused, looking to him for an update.

"Celia and Noh are working on Wade right now," he reported, looking weary. "It could take some time. You were right, Scott — the bullets splintered." He let out a heavy sigh as he moved closer to the other three to stand behind Kate, almost automatically wrapping his arms around her waist. "Celia says he was lucky — several of the splinters came close to his heart and his spine. But they are not... stationary. They're drifting."

Scott let out a low whistle at the thought of the damage those weapons could do to their healing friends. "Can they get it all out?"

"That's the hope," Kurt said. He shook his head and let out a bit of a chuckle. "Wade wanted to know if they could put all the pieces in a jar."

"Of course he did," Scott said, shaking his head before he turned his attention back to the laptop, and Natasha opened up the video file.

What they saw was not exactly what they were expecting. Of course, they weren't sure what they'd see — but this... It was a laboratory setting. Lots of white-coated people were fussing back and forth as the focus on the camera went fuzzy then cleared up and zoomed in from above to show the team that was attaching all kinds of wires and leads to someone on a table. They were talking low and working fast, and it all sounded very clinical until they stepped back and the test subject was submerged into some greenish water and the recording caught the official commentary as the man's voice announced that they were ready to start the bonding process.

Nothing seemed to be happening on screen outside of the commentary from the lab techs shouting out vital signs and reporting the status of the 'reserves' as the water in the tank seemed to boil. The alarms were screaming, and the techs were shouting about sedation levels, heart monitors and the like — while the man in charge simply told them to keep going and use the reserves, insisting that "He can take it."

The whole thing was very old and fuzzy, so they couldn't entirely identify the subject — but both Scott and Natasha were pale and Kurt was supremely still as Scott muttered, "That's Logan."

Though not a solid confirmation, the fact that the person in the tank needed no medical intervention before the monitors evened out and the quiet celebration began in the lab was proof enough for those watching the old video.

"I'll see what I can do to clean this up," Natasha offered as soon as the video cut out. "I don't know that it will do us much good to prove his innocence... but it at least proves there were video records."

Scott nodded. "See what you can do. We'll go through the rest of the records in the meantime," he said, though his eyes were wide, and he still looked pale.

They made sure to make several copies so there was no danger of losing what they had before they got down to work sifting through the new info, trying to find their next lead to chase.

It had been a few hours before Wade and Clint returned to the bunker. By that time, Kate had disappeared with the bamfs to go get Krissy and came back with some food for the rest of them as well. Krissy, for her part, was contentedly giggling and playing with Kate until she saw the men arrive and immediately wanted to get attention from them too.

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