Teeny Tiny Fam'wy

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If there had ever been any doubt about how badly Logan, K, and Elin had been missed, that was laid to rest when Elin's birthday came around.

Just about every hero they knew sent in a present if they couldn't be there themselves, but as many as weren't actively busy in the superhero business dropped by personally to ooh and ahh over how big she was. Which, of course, meant that Elin was simply inundated with all sorts of colorful wrapping paper that she could play with to her heart's content and tear apart.

And while all the adults were more than content to wrap up Elin's parents, all of the kids were in one massive group playing with each other, with little Dani practically directing them, since she was the oldest and had also inherited her parents' super strength, so she could deal with Sying when he bothered Krissy too much — which was often.

Luke was chuckling as he watched his little girl pull Sying aside and shake her head at him after the little boy had been trying to pull Krissy to her feet to get her to walk with him. "She doesn't want your help," Dani explained to the little guy, who just frowned and didn't seem to understand why Krissy didn't want to walk when he'd been doing it for weeks now because of his enhanced strength. Krissy nodded behind Dani fervently and sat her little self down behind the older girl with her arms crossed and a nice little glare on her face.

Sying clearly didn't know what to do with the team up against him, but he wanted to still play with the girls, so he nodded quickly, playing nice so that he wouldn't get chewed out.

On the other side of the coin, though, both Charlie and Gerry were enthusiastically encouraging the continuing hug fest that was Chance and Elin. The two of them had hardly detached from each other since their adorable reunion, and the other kids were all but pushing their friends into more hugs.

"Give Ewin card," Charlie had instructed Chance almost as soon as the party got started, and the little boy had very shyly produced the birthday card he made and signed with his handprint, as usual.

"Happy birth-day," he told her before he looked over his shoulder at his sister, who was making 'go on' motions at him, and very shyly gave her a little kiss. And Charlie gave the two of them a little nod as Gerry giggled delightedly and flashed her a double thumbs up.

Of course, no first birthday celebration would be complete without a cake for Elin to smash to pieces, and all the kids oohed and ahhed over the blue and yellow icing flowers that Annie had made as she set the cake down in front of Elin.

The dark-haired little girl watched the large group around her with wide eyes. K encouraged her to taste her cake with a little smirk as Remy and Bobby closed out the teasing bet on what the kid would do when faced with all that sugar.

But both of them were disappointed when Elin simply frowned at it, then very delicately put one finger into the middle of a yellow flower. She stared at the frosting on her finger until Jubilee helped to get her to taste it, but even then, all she would do was swipe up a bit on one finger — one little taste at a time.

Peter with his camera was nearly begging her to get a little more into it, but the little feral just raised one eyebrow at him and simply continued on her way ... still one taste at a time. She seemed more content to finger paint with the frosting than anything else, which resulted in a little picking toward Logan and K for their little girl that seemed to share their aversion to sweets.

"She likes them," K defended as Jubilee gave her a look that bordered on betrayal. "She just ... doesn't love sweets. It's her call."

"Blasphemy," Jubilee argued, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms over her chest as Chance and Charlie made their way a bit closer.

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