Chapter Thirty-Six

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I wake up to Brinn lightly shaking my shoulder. She’s murmuring something about waking up so we can discuss our plan of action. My body whines in protest, wanting only more sleep.

My words are slurred from drowsiness, “What time is it?”

Brinn laughs, “It’s only the fourth hour, but we need to get moving. We plan to be on our way before the sixth hour.”

I push myself out of bed and get myself ready. Once I’ve changed into a new outfit and run to the Toilets, Brinn leads me and some other kids I don’t recognize down the hall. Everyone stumbles after her, still half-asleep.

Although bags cling beneath Brinn’s eyes, she walks with urgency in her step. How long has she been awake? How much sleep did she get last night, after they finished planning?

We enter a large room, filled with the low mutterings of people. A table sits in the middle, Spara, Nikolas, James, and Piper seated along it. Brinn leaves our side, going to sit down next to Piper. I’m alone in a crowd of strangers, each face painted in worry and fear of what will happen today.

Nikolas stands and the noise stops. Eerie silence fills the room as everyone waits for him to speak. Piper gets to her feet seconds later, nodding to the crowd.

Piper takes a deep breath, her voice carrying across the room as she says, “You are here because we’ve decided to do something. We’ve decided to act against the Heads. We cannot promise you safety or perfect health if you choose to fight with us. We don’t know what the Heads may throw at us or how it will ultimately end. However, we feel as though we have the best chances that may ever come. If you don’t want to fight, no matter what your reasoning, you may leave right now. We understand your fear.”

Ripples of movement slip through the crowd. Friends glancing questioningly at each other, communicating through only facial expressions. People step aside as a few move to leave. I count them as they disappear through the door. Three, four, five, six. Hesitantly stumbling down the hall, glancing apprehensively back every few steps.

What if I were to follow? I could spend today, tonight, however the long the upcoming battle lasts, hiding away in my bedroom alone. I wouldn’t have to face the horrors of battle. There would be no risk on my life.

My eyes find Theo’s. He’s on the other side of the room from me, watching me carefully. Could he see the weakness? Could he see that I wanted to leave, even for just a minute?

He raises an eyebrow at me, daring me to exit through the door.

I take a shaky breath, forcing my feet to stay where they are. I can’t watch everyone else risk their lives while I stay behind. Crossing my arms over my chest, I raise an eyebrow of my own at Theo.

He nods, a smile hitting his lips. My eyes leave him, landing on Piper watching the six people disappear down the hall.

After the crowd becomes still again, Nikolas nods, “Ya be a-sure ya want to fight?”

The crowd stares back at him, unsure how to respond. Someone shouts, “I want to free the people of the Complex. No matter what it takes.”

Cries of agreement fill the air.

I keep my mouth closed, merely watching. Some faces shine with pride and eagerness while others are filled with doubt and uncertainty.

When the cries die down, Piper explains the plan. All of it. Every single terrifying detail. We will all travel back to the Unknown, two groups of ten. There are a few villagers who want to help, including Nikolas, Spara, and James. Three others are scattered somewhere among the crowd.

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