Chapter 7

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(creepypasta14 )

Alva pov

It was rainy day here, i been sleeping on and off during the day, i have headaches during the. Day so i sleep thinking, i might magically get my memory back or get a flashback. As i sleep, it been over a 7 days a week i thought, to myself, cesar tries to help me. But nothing i thought to myself as i sat upright in the bed that i was sleeping in today and night before. Cesar sleeps on sofa in the living room but sometimes i feel bad about me not getting any memories yet. I know that cesar was getting frustrated  with that part i could tell that by cesar face when he try to help me.

I thought as i got up slowly and i walked down the living room, cesar was up and he just. Put something down on the table, i saw the sky though the window their was sunset started. To set in the background, the sky started to change, " i...have...council ...meeting" he said as he left, quickly as he came, i saw him as i watch him leave though the window. Soon after i saw the plate of food that cesar had made me, i was thankful for him.

~~~~~ cesar pov

I was at the council meeting, talking about the next season summer and what we were planning. For the winter months, that coming slowly but it would be here soon, but during the meeting. I kept thinking about Alva and her memory loss, i was getting frustrated  about the whole thing. I didn't mean too but it was so hard at the same time, i had not been sleeping well. At the same time as well, i was always checking on alva  during the night. I think other noticed this specially maurice though, i thought as i ended the meeting.

As i was leaving maurice stopped me, are you okay ? he asked than i answered him " no, frustrated  with alva she doesn't remember anything it been a week since the last flashback, worried" i sign to him., than he answered him back. " cesar, you need , do things with her you did before. And take her where her memories are you at, not just talking , try that." he told me and nodded, i went back to the treehouse, where i found her alva, up still sitting on the sofa, " sorry...tomorrow ...take ...a walk..." she smiled and nodded.

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