Trust goes both ways

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I started to slightly panick.
"Oh my god, Elijah and Klaus will be so mad at me!"
But just where could she be? She sure as hell wouldn't wonder off on her own, this wasn't like her! Which meant something bad had happened to her. Oh gosh, that was even worse!
"Caroline?", Elijah stormed into the house with a really worried look on his face. "Where is Hayley?"
"Marcel was here!", Klaus entered just a second later. His eyes met mine, hoping I wouldn't give him the answer he expected.
"Please tell me, Hayley's not gone! That you were at her side and did not let her open the door alone."
"Well...", I said and looked at him apologizing. I felt so bad! How could I have failed everyone like this? I should have known, there was someone suspicious at the door! Stupid me!
"No!", Elijah exclaimed, shaking his head in disbelief. "Did you at least see who took her?"
"I was in the other room, on the phone.", I admitted quietly. I had been so absorbed in the call that I had not even heard the girl being kidnapped. The person who did this had to have pretty impressive skills to not be noticed by a vampire's ears!
Klaus ruffled through his hair angrily.
"I'm sorry.", I whispered. He was clearly upset with me, which I didn't like at all. But he treated me with silence, which was worse than having him yell at me. Not even Elijah said anything.
"We will get her back. And if I have to kill for it.", he started mumbling after some time.
"Klaus?", I asked carefully and the hybrid's look pierced me in a very aggressive manner. He held up his finger and it seemed like he wanted to say something but restrained himself. Instead, he went into the other room. Of course, I knew that it was a bad idea to follow him right now but I did it nontheless, giving Elijah one last apologizing look. I just had to go after him, I couldn't stand him being angry at me.
"Klaus, wait. I'm so sorry, I...", I started but was cut off immediately.
"No! Caroline! Just don't talk to me right now. Okay? I am trying my best to remain calm and you are not making it easy on me!", he said, his voice clearly hinting at a restrained yell.
"I wasn't thinking. It's my fault. I'm sorry...", I tried again.
"I am aware that you weren't thinking.", he growled dangerously. I had the feeling, he'd snap any minute.
"What can I do to make it up to you?"
"Don't you get it? This isn't just about Hayley! This is about everything!", he now yelled. "I trusted you with this! I always trust you with everything! And now, you dare let me down?!"
"Is this about before? About what I didn't tell you?" He couldn't still hold a grudge about that now, could he?
"That's a part of the problem, yes.", he shouted. "You want me to trust you with everything? You want to be able to trust me?! Well, trust goes both ways, Caroline! How can I trust you entirely when you are keeping secrets and are playing with my feelings?!"
"Playing with your feelings?", I asked in disbelief, noticing I had slightly raised my voice as well. "Who ever said something about that?"
"It wouldn't be the first time you did this! How do I know that this is not just another act against me, planned by your friends, huh? How do I know, you haven't been spying on me this entire time?", he shouted, a tear showing in his eye.
How could he say that? Sure, I had not always been the bestest friend in the past but there was no indication of me using him whatsoever! And this time, I had really just tried to get along with him.
"You and your trust issues! How can you even say that? I would never do that! I came here just for myself, at first I didn't even know, why I was here! You approached me! And now, I'm reaching out to you and you accuse me of such things?", I screamed back at him.
"How could I say that? How can I not say that? You've always used me and I have endured it because of what I feel for you, Caroline! And you... I trust you with a thing for once and you lie and dissapoint me? Have you ever even really cared about me?!", he asked me. His voice sounded angry and broken at the same time.
"What? Oh my god! You really doubt me like that? Is it really that hard for you to believe that maybe, just maybe, someone cares about you? That someone is only doing this because that person likes you?!", I cried out, a tear making its way down my face. How were we both crying now? It wasn't the first time we were fighting but something seemed different. Like this was on a more intimate basis...
We were both silent for a second.
"What did you just say?", Klaus asked again, more calmly now.
"You said, you cared about me."
I sighed. "Of course, I do, Klaus. Why else would I be here?"
Certainly not because of images of him and me in his time, nooo. Okay but seriously now, I really did care for him. More than I'd like to admit.
"You said you liked me?" He was now completely cooled down but more curious than ever. He'd even taken a few steps nearer.
"Yes... I did." I wasn't even in the mood of denying it. And why should I? For once, I should be able and allowed to tell the truth.
"Then tell me, what are you hiding?", he suddenly changed the topic. So much for truth...
"Klaus...", I whispered, again unable to answer him. It wasn't that I didn't want to, maybe partly because of that but moreover, I just didn't really know how to put all this in words just yet.
"Fine... I get it.", he turned around and left the room without looking back.
Wow. That had been the worst fight, I had ever had with him. And it hurt like hell.

He didn't talk to me for the rest of the night. Him and Elijah left to ask Marcel what he'd done to Hayley. Elijah told me to stay here and I did, not wanting to cause any more fuss. I was also aware that Klaus did not want to see me right now, which he had made farley clear to me.
Restless, I wandered around the mansion, not knowing what to do. The only thing left for me was to wait on my own.
The sun was already up again when the boys returned. Elijah told me, they wouldn't stay long. A witch had found out about Hayley's location and they were headed there now. They were only here to pick up some stuff. I decided to use the opportunity to ease my mind. Silently, I found Klaus and watched him for a second before I tried to gather my courage.
"Anything you want to discuss? I have important things to do, you know.", Klaus said coldly and I looked up in surprise.
"Are you still mad at me?", I then asked quietly. He sighed.
"I can never be mad at you for too long, Caroline. But I am still a bit angry at you for not paying attention and not trusting me enough. I really hoped we were past that."
"I do trust you, Klaus. I just don't know how to tell you about this.", I admitted.
"Just say it.", he begged.
"It's a long story."
He loudly exhaled, shaking his head in agony.
"I'll tell it to you once you return, okay?", I promised him and he nodded.
"Let's do that. Don't go anywhere while I'm away, alright? I'll be counting on your being here.", he smiled and I gave him a nod.
"I'll wait for you. Just bring Hayley back safe."
"I will.", he said and went to the door.
"Klaus.", I stopped him and he turned around once more.
"I'm glad you're not angry anymore."
He grinned slightly while I tried not to blush.
"See you later, love."
"Be careful.", I told him.
"Sweetheart, I'm the original hybrid! Nothing can conquer me.", he smirked.
"Moron.", I chuckled. "Now get going before I feel the urge to hug you."
The sentence had escaped my mouth before I could stop to think about it.
With vamp-speed, he was in front of me and pressed my figure against his own for a quick hug. He even gave me a kiss on the head.
"To satisfy any urge you might have.", he laughed. Then, he was gone.

So, I heard the EU Article 13, or 17 as they call it now, got through and I am just hoping this won't effect our fanfictions on here. I did plan on finishing this story for you all and not have it taken down due to this article...
Anyways, we can just hope.
Have a great week and see you next time!

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