Bonnie confirms my theory

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My night didn't go well. The images were haunting my mind causing me to shift and let out silent screams of terror as I watched what I had already seen so many times before. I hated it so much. When I finally awoke, I was covered in sweat. Exhausted, I took a shower and then went down to the kitchen. I heard voices from the dining room as I got a huge cup of coffee to help me get rid of the sleepiness. As expected, Rebekah and Klaus were at the table. Hayley was nowhere to be seen.
"Morning, sweetheart.", Klaus greeted me. "Had a good night's rest?"
"Not really.", I sighed and took a seat next to him, across from his sister.
"You look like shit.", she commented.
"Good morning to you too, Becks.", I muttered.
"You haven't been sleeping well for a while now, have you?", Klaus deduced.
"That obvious?", I growled and took a big sip of coffee.
"You were crying yesterday, remember? So yes, that obvious.", Klaus said and I took another mouthful of the hot drink.
"Mind telling me the reason?", he asked carefully.
"Nightmares, not important for you.", I answered and stole myself some bacon from his plate.
"Did you just eat my bacon?", he asked incensed.
At least this chanegd the topic.
"No.", I said, then swallowed my stolen goods.
"You filthy bastard.", he growled jokingly.
"Hey hey, Nik, that is no way to talk to a lady.", Rebekah scolded him until he apologized causing me to laugh.
"Thanks for your lesson in behaviour, B.", I chuckled and Klaus looked at me, tilting his head curiously.
"You two are getting along awefully well. Just a few days ago, Rebekah was ready to rip your throat out."
"This is girls' business. A no-annoying-hybrids-zone, got it?", my friend snapped her fingers in front of him to clarify her words.
"Understood and taken in.", he chuckled.
"So what are we doing today?", Rebakah asked.
"Sophie is coming over and we are going to get answers out of her to solve the witch question that came up yesterday. ", Klaus answered.
Shortly after, the mentioned girl arrived and we sat down on the sofa, Sophie across from us. Klaus wasn't happy at all, everyone was tense and the atmosphere felt exactly like that too. I sat next to Klaus, his arm casually behind me on the couch. My mind wanted to make a big deal out of this but I told myself to shut it and listen to what our guest had to say. Sophie started telling us about a witch tradition called the Harvest which sounded all kinds of crazy. The hybrid got angry from time to time and I put a hand on his leg to signal him to calm down. To my surprise, he really did. As a result, I just let it rest there to have him in a more relaxed state. Just when Sophie wanted to go on with her story, Klaus' phone rang and he stood up. We all knew who was calling him and he had to say goodbye to us soon after. He shot me another smile and I waved after him. As for me and my new good friends Hayley and Rebekah... well we didn't quite listen to what Klaus had told us, which had been to sit tight. Sophie had wanted to go to the bayou to put the souls of the witches to rest and Hayley wanted to go with her. Now, of course, as good friends, Rebekah and I couldn't have our little pregnant wolf-friend wandering around out there alone so we joined her. Rebekah urged Sophie to continue telling the story as we discovered rotten bodies and the sign of a wolf paw on the ground. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, Rebekah spotted one of Marcel's guys who had seen us and was now most likely on his way to tell Marcel about the three girls in the woods. My friend hurried to call her brother and he wasn't delighted about our doing. He requested a distraction for Marcel so Rebekah and I headed to the bar. Rebekah as the distraction and me as the "extra for Klaus to calm him down", as RB had so kindly put it. Before we went in, I wished my friend luck with her former lover and she just shot me a jokingly angry look. Then we went inside after making sure we looked the part.
"Well, this is just like old times.", Rebekah jumped into their conversation and I made my way between her and Klaus. His look stayed on me for a while, a bit surprised about my being here perhaps. And he wasn't the only one.
"You again? What a coincidence.", Marcel said.
"Don't flatter yourself.", I laughed. "I just came to take care of this one." I put my hand on Klaus' and almost pulled them back by surprise when he intertwined our fingers.
"How drunk are you?", Rebekah asked and Klaus squeezed my hand while pretending to be what his sister had just accused him of.
"Skating on the razor's edge. I'm gonna get some air with this beauty, back in a tick."
Klaus stood up, not letting go of my hand and I had no choice but to leave the scene and follow him outside.
"Caroline, what are you doing here?", he then asked me, letting go of my hand.
"Emotional support?", I offered and he rolled his eyes in an annoyed manner.
"From my sister, I expected this but from you..."
"Just be glad I'm here and roll with it.", I told him and pointed at Marcel's dude who was arriving right this moment. Klaus quickly went up to him.
"Hey. Marcel has sent me out to find out what you know about the dead witches at the bayou.", he lied. The informant told him about what he'd seen. Stupid move because when he said something about a pregnant werewolf, Klaus quickly snapped his neck.
"We're done here.", he growled, wanting to return to Marcel.
"You do know that snapping a vampire's neck won't kill him, right?", I told him and he stopped in his tracks.
"You're right, love, it won't. I almost forgot about that. What do you suggest we do? I could take him with me and drain him of vervain again. Might not be the worst idea."
I rolled my eyes at the thought but this time, I got why it was necessary.
"I'll take him home. You just go back to Marcel and your sister."
"Thank you, sweetheart. I appreciate it. See you later and be careful"
"I always am. My name is CAREoline after all.", I joked and he smirked before returning to the bar.

With great efforts, I got the informant home and chained him up. Even though I didn't like this method, I wasn't stupid either. All of this took me a while and I had just started to cut him in order of draining him of the vervain when suddenly, my phone rang. It was Jeremy.
"Caroline, are you alone?",
"No but I can go somewhere else. Is it urgent?"
I looked at the chained up dude and poked him just a little bit more so he'd lose blood.
"Is it Bonnie?", I asked after leaving the room.
"Yes. She knows what happened to you.", he said.
"Well then, spill.", I was nervous. What did she find out?
"Those images, they aren't visions, they're memories. Of something that actually never happened for anyone else. That witch sent you back in time."
Like I'd thought. Hearing it confirmed made my heart drop though. All those bad things... I had actually witnessed them.
"Another witch in the time you were in must've performed another spell to erase your being there and sent you back. No time had passed in our time, none in theirs after the spell was done. Usually not even you should remember what happened. Maybe the spell was interrupted while being chanted but still finished in the end. Your memories are a side effect of that."
Klaus' death. I had run away from the spell to help him, resulting in him dying in front of my eyes. That's why I could remember all these scenes. Because I had been too stubborn to ignore his scream.

Finally, a revelation! Did you expect this?
Anyways, it's Monday again, of course, and it's going to be a long week for me, guys. I also don't know if the next chapter will be published next Monday due to me being absent with probably no internet connection (sad, I know). But do not fear, I will upload it nevertheless, I'm just not sure of the exact date yet.
Also, I wanted to mention that I got a very constructive comment in this past week. I was actually happy about that because I love receiving feedback of any kind!
Oh, that reminds me: I generally love it when you guys comment, no matter what it is. I read every comment and if I can, try to reply to it.
So don't be shy: the more comments the better! You can give me feedback or speak your mind about what you think will happen next or just anything that has to do with the story, me or TVD and Klaroline in general!
I'm looking forward to reading them!
Geez, now this has gotten longer than I intended, sorry for that.

I hope you liked this chapter and wish you a great week! Byee.

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