s e v e n t e e n

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Yeri was sitting on her bed, writing the millionth letter to her friends at the castle, that he would probably never see again. She sighed, putting the letter for Jimin away. She had been writing to everyone except Jungkook because honestly speaking she was a little scared. Although he would never receive it, she was scared of letting out all her thoughts on paper and that the dam she built to keep her tears away, would break. She missed everyone terribly. 

Just as she put the pen away, her maid came into her chambers, fresh towels in her hands that she immediately dumps into the princess' hands. "You should stop brooding, m'lady. I will draw you a bath. That should relax you in record time" she smiled at the girl warmly, patting the back of her hand gently. Before Yeri could say anything more, the maid turned around already, talking with her hands animatedly. "With lavender oil to calm the nerves as well, or bergamot to relax the muscles? Should I mix them? Can one mix those two scents in bathwater? Oh golly, so many decisions!"

Yeri sighed, swallowing her words down again, sitting on the edge of her bed with the towels on her lap. "It's fine. Whatever you decide" she tried to appease the woman, smoothing her hands over the fluffy material of the towels. The sound of water rushing in the bathtub disrupted the thoughts as suddenly a sound at the window made Yeri look up. Puzzled, the princess got up, walking over to the window and drawing the curtains back to look out.

But instead of seeing the pitch darkness of the night and the moon reflecting on the white roses in the garden under her, she was met with glittering doe eyes right in front of her face, several feet from the ground. Yeri screeched in shock, taking several steps back and almost falling on her butt. "Is everything alright, princess?" came the concerned voice of her maid from the bathroom and Jungkook quickly put one finger over his mouth to plead with Yeri not to blow his cover. 

"Y-yes! I'm fine! I just thought I saw an owl outside and it startled me" she lied quickly, rushing back to the window to open it for the prince. "What the hell are you doing here?! It's way too dangerous and why would you climb up to my window?! You're unbelievable!" she hissed, tugging at Jungkook's clothes as he climbed inside. "Unbelievably in love maybe" he whispered back, tugging at the princess' sleeve now to get her into his arms. Yeri obliged way too easily, molding herself to every curve of his body.

"This is too dangerous, Jungkook. My maid is just in the bathroom. She could walk in any second" Yeri mumbled against his chest. "You should go" she whispered but her hands betrayed her as she just held him even tighter. "I'm not afraid of your maid. I missed you so much and I came all the way here to see you. No way in hell will I leave now." The prince kissed the crown of her head, holding her securely to his chest. 

A noise from the bathroom startled them both to divert their attention away from each other. "Princess your bath is ready!" a chipper voice chirped from the next room and Yeri panicked, shoving the prince back to the window. Jungkook gripped the curtains, startled, so he would not stumble and fall out the window in his surprise. "You need to go now. I'll meet you at the pond in the garden in an hour, okay?" she whispered hurriedly as Jungkook climbed over the ledge again. "I'll be waiting for you, my love." Yeri nodded, pecking his lips once sweetly. "Now go!" she closed the curtains just in time for the maid to exit the bathroom, a ruffle disturbing the curtains again. 

"The water is delightfully warm" the maid smiled and Yeri nodded her head. "I will let you know if I need anything else, but for now, please leave me alone for a little bit" she informed the servant kindly, smiling in relief as the maid left her quarters with a small bow in her direction. Yeri made sure to wash fast and wear warm clothes as she snuck out to the garden later. 


"Jungkook?" Yeri whispered into the darkness as she reached the pond, peering out into the pitch blackness surrounding her. It was eerily quiet and pretty cold. Although she put on a warm coat over her nightdress, she still shivered. Suddenly two arms wove themselves around her waist and a warm chest pressed against her back. "You kept me waiting, my princess" he whispered huskily against her neck. Warmth engulfed them in a second, Jungkook noticed her shivering and wanted to ease her discomfort. 

"I'm sorry, but sneaking out isn't as simple to me as it seems to be for you" she replied with a chuckle, turning around in his arms. "My stupid prince, willingly going into the lion's den" she muttered affectionately, stroking his cheek delicately. "If being hopelessly in love is stupid, then I'll gladly be your fool" he whispered back, lips meeting in a soft kiss. The princess responded immediately, kissing back with fervor. The prince broke the kiss first, opting to simply stare at the princess in the darkness. Seemingly wanting to make up for the time apart by drinking in every difference in her appearance. 

"What happened that day? Why did they take you away from me?" his voice was soft like a breath of wind, eyes flickering between both of her own. Yeri gulped, not wanting to relive the memories. "My father...he saw the burn marks on my hand and thought you were abusing me" she whispered in return, looking at the ground in order to not see his surely hurt facial expression. A gentle hand took her burned one, pressing the gentlest of kisses against the skin, a gesture that dripped with regret. 

"There is nothing in the world that I regret more than hurting you, even back then" Jungkook uttered, keeping her hand by his lips, the princess feeling every motion of his lips against the back of it. "But that can't be the only reason, there must have been something else. He wouldn't declare war on a whole kingdom because of an assumption." The princess finally met his gaze, remembrance shining in her eyes, her voice quivering with urgency. "Yoongi." 

Jungkook furrowed his brows in confusion. "Our royal advisor?" Yeri nodded quickly and excessively. "He told my father about the king's abusive behavior. He helps plot the war against your family!" Jungkook chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "That's ridiculous, last time I saw him he was with my mother in the castle, reassuring that this war would be over qui-" 

Jungkook's smile died down quickly, panic was written all over previously relaxed face. "I have to go back" his voice trembled as he turned around in urgency, looking to see his black mare in the darkness of the night. "Jungkook wait!" Yeri yelled, running after him. "I can't- my kingdom needs me, my mother- I left Hoseok alone" he was rambling and Yeri quickly caught him by the arm, hugging him tightly. "I'll go with you. They'll be fine, Jungkook. We'll be there in time, don't worry, my love."

I won't ask you if you missed me because I believe everybody already forgot about this story skdfkldf Anygay, I'm back to finish what I started because I'm not doing this half-assed and leave this unfinished :) If you enjoy this chapter, please leave a comment and vote please ^^ 

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