8. I Mentally Stab My Dorm Mate

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Coming back to his dorm he felt extremely hungry. The massive Ice-cream he had had was all used up and he was almost starving.

The lunch was now already over, so he decided to dig in some of the snacks he'd saved.

He put on some music, plugged in the earphones and started arranging his belongings neatly. He folded his clothes, stacked them in the shelf inside his closet.

Once he was done with them, and he was assured he hadn't forgotten to keep his specks on the night table, he ran down to the parking lot.

Hurriedly, Zayn brought the remaining bag. It wasn't much, but his pillow was in it and some things he didn't really want to take out- but keep close to him.

Choosing the more comfortable bed, he slumped down once everything seemed organized. His pillow was underneath him. He was practically hugging it, encircling his arm around it and placing his head on the colder side.

The music blared in his ears, drowning most of the outside noise.

He was staring out of the window, drumming on the pillow with the fingers of his free hand. The packet of crisps lay beside him, forgotten as he gazed at the afternoon sky and the saffron dipped trees.

Gradually, his fingers stopped their dance and his breathing slowed down. The grip on the pillow loosened. As Zayn shuttered his heavy eyelids, the sky lost one of its admirers.


The faint dulcet chiming greeted him when Zayn regained awareness. Rubbing his eyes, a loud yawn escaped his mouth- his eyes adjusting to the pitched room.

He sat up, processing he must have slept through the afternoon- waking up to nightfall. Staring dreamily at his hands, he bobbed his head to the beats.

"Oh, shucks!" Chucking his earphones out violently, he jerked out of the bed. The floor was cold against his bare feet. "Wait, am I deaf now?" Your ears are supposed to be affected if you sleep with your earphones on. He checked if he was, clicking his fingers both the sides. "Nah, things are cool."

"Blimey, are you for real Zayn? You do think shit when you wake up. I guess you're still half asleep." Talking to himself, he switched on the lights. After he drew the curtain, he went to the bathroom to wash his face.

He was wiping his face, when he strolled out of the closet.

"Oh my god!" Yelled Zayn, the towel flinging out of his grasp. "What is it with everyone trying to scare me to death?!" His hand clutched at his heart, feeling the beat coming to it's usual rhythm. He stared at the George, whose small eyes were spread all over his face.

"I didn't mean to scare you, son. I'm sorry." chuckled George, "I did warn you about me coming in here, I did." He pulled out the keys jutted in the lock, handing them to Zayn.

"Your dormmate has arrived." He declared, passing a small smile to him.

Zayn swallowed, his Adam's apple dropping. He worried about his hair. He regretted not settling them before coming out of the bathroom now.

Before he could do more, a pale face peeped in. None of them moved, only Zayn changed his stance, crossing his arms against his chest. It was more to defend himself than to prevent the cold.

Zayn followed the bloke as he crossed the room, his face relaxing when he placed his luggage on the empty bed.

Zayn smiled, thanking himself quietly to have forgotten to pick up the bag of crisps and his earphones. They reserved the more comfortable bed.

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