Chapter 8 -The Rewrite in which I Regret Making my Villains so Scary

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It didn't take too long for Duchess Savalle's men to grab me again. I was brought before the arrogant woman, fighting off a sad sense of deja vu as she stared down her nose at me.

"You ruined everything, you stupid girl." She snapped at me as soon as I arrived. "Why in the world would you wear the poisoned necklace instead of giving it that pretender?"

So that's how we're going to play it, huh?

I went into full spoiled brat mode.

"Are you kidding me?! It's all your fault for coming up with such a stupid plan! Why would she accept a cheap necklace from her maid?" I stomped my feet and produced a couple crocodile tears. "It's your fault she made me wear it! I threw up in front of the prince! He probably thinks I'm disgusting. Now I'll never be queen!"

My voice ended on a shrill scream which caused her to wince.

"Not to mention you didn't tell me you were sending assassins! What if they had killed me too instead of just that girl?! They didn't even do anything before the duke killed them off."

I crossed my arms, making a dissatisfied sound. "Then he had the gall to be mad just because I was hiding behind the couch. Like I'm going to risk my neck to protect that witch."


There was silence in the room as everyone seemed stunned at the ferocity of my rant.

"I... see." Duchess Savalle finally spoke, studying me closely. "Maybe you can still be useful. Does that woman suspect you at all?"

I snorted derisively "Not even a little."

"Very well. We will contact you soon."

They sent me back to my room, outwardly fuming but internally jumping for joy.

Hooray for getting back on track with the plot!

Hopefully now I would better be able to predict the future once again and work towards an even better ending than the original.

Things moved quickly after that. I faithfully reported Autumn's every move to the Duchess and played the good little minion. After much discussion, Autumn and I allowed a few of the less harmful plots to go off without issue. I spread a few rumors, made her late to meetings and parties, stained the back of her gown. These were silly little things meant to wear down her reputation with the nobility, but overall benign in the grand scheme of things. With this, I was hoping they would start trusting me more, helping me stay in the loop when they made their big move.

Months passed like this. Time seemed to be racing. We were getting closer and closer to the finale. Each day I nervously went over the plot in my head, trying to trace out all of the possibilities. Everything hinged on the night of the Prince's birthday.

In my book, the prince has an elegant party to celebrate his birthday. Autumn and Coron connect while dancing and grow closer. James, on the other hand, dances only once with her, and is cold and distant the entire time, trying desperately to hide his feelings for her. Katrina, as punishment for all her schemes and tricks is not allowed to attend the party at all, and is furious, of course. She pretends to repent and brews Autumn a cup of tea before bed. Autumn drinks it and is knocked out from the drug Katrina mixed in. Unconscious, Autumn is kidnapped and brought to an abandoned mansion where she'll meet William Savalle, the true villain behind the scenes. His mother being a simple figurehead, he reveals his terrifying true nature and his plan to take over the kingdom.

This was the plot, and the true reason behind me trying to keep the story on track all this time. If I could push them to the same plan as the book, I could prevent it. And I had to prevent Autumn being kidnapped at all costs. Because if James goes to rescue her... it was too terrifying of a possibility to consider.

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