The Sons of Ragnar

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^ Picture is Valeria

"Impossible" Ivar said

"Aslaug, I also have two others with me, we crashed somewhere in the ocean, they are badly injured and need help."

" I see I shall send men to fetch them, but first lets get you changed." she said "Ivar, go get your brothers."

Ivar just stared at the woman and nodded before crawling off.

Aslaug looked at her and waved her hand towards the bed asking her to sit.

As she sat Maeve looked at her surroundings , finding it surreal. How and why was she here? Surly this had to be a dream, however she could count her fingers, recall how she got here, feel the pain in her palms and on her foot. Neither outcome seemed likely.

She thought about Ivar, he was nothing like she would have imagined him to be. He was rather handsome, nothing like any book could've described. He defiantly was a Viking, they were a bit more...well-kept than she would have thought.

Hey, she could finally get a tattoo if she wanted to! Wait, never mind they probably don't serialize shit.

"What is your full name" Aslaug asked looking through her chest of various dresses.

"Maeve James Winters , if you're looking for something nice, I would rather you not, im not exactly carful with things." Aslaug then got up

"Well, Maeve Winters, then I shall be back soon."

Aslaug knew exactly what she could wear, shield maidens pants and her sons shirt. She wanted that girl for one of her sons. when Aslaug tasted her blood , she saw a strong, smart, and capable woman. The girl had a strong sense of family, and Aslaug knew that Maeve would bond well and adopt them as her family if she could just get Maeve to fall in love with one of her sons.

Aslaug took one of each of her sons shirts and brought them to Maeve.

Maeve picked each up until she picked one, Aslaug remembered it to be Ivar's.

"Why did you pick that shirt and not another" Aslaug asked.

"I don't know, it smells nice." She said putting it on. Aslaug smiled.

"What is the smell like?" Aslaug looked puzzled.

"Hell if I know."

Aslaug pulled a necklace off her neck.

"Here, this will let others recognize you as someone who shan't be provoked."

"Thank you, I appreciate it." Aslaug smiled. She liked this girl, if Maeve would be the one to take Ivars affections away from her, she would not mind. Just as Aslaug was about to talk to the girl more, her sons had arrived.

"Mother, who is this?" Ubbe asked stepping into the room as his brothers fallowed.

"This is Lady Maeve, she is...not from here, but she is our guest, treat her with respect. These are my sons, Ubbe, Sigurd, Hvitserk, and as you already know, Ivar. You will help her find her family, and get them to the infirmary."

"Why must WE help her mother, what is so special" Sigurd said in old Norse.

This pissed Maeve off, she knew why he spoke in another language around her, it was a sign of disrespect. Asluag frowned in displeasure.

"Um. He sounds like he doesn't want to help. I'm okay, this will plenty of people." Maeve spoke, understating the frustration in his voice even if she didn't know what he was saying. Asluag put a hand on the girls shoulder.

Challenging Vikings *Ivar The Boneless Love Story*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz