Chapter 4

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When I woke up, I was strapped down to a table. The scent of metal filling my senses, I could vaguely smell humans and...Blue! I tried turning my head to search for him but the straps kept me down and in place. Although the rattling must have alerted the humans because I start feeling hands on my head and Suddenly Owen appears in front of me. His face held an expression of worry. I was about to growl but I felt a rush of pain flare up my left shoulder and the growl turned into a whimper." Guess the painkillers  wore off," I heard a feminine voice speak in the back round. I started to thrash my tail in annoyance getting a yelp from One of the humans. " Dawn." I heard Owen say I looked up into his eyes challengingly but he continued to glare making me avert my eyes to the table. I stop thrashing my tail and lay silently on the table. I listened in to the Humans talking even though I have no clue what they are saying. I was so engrossed into their conversation I didn't realize they had begun to move closer to me, until I felt a sharp pick I'm my neck, making me jerk and I looked at them fearfully before I passed out once again.
'What is with these people and sedatives'.....

I woke again after awhile but I could instantly tell I was moved because of many reasons. One, I am no longer restrained. Two, I'm now in a cage with bars and I can see other dinosaurs and the hustle and bustle of Humans. Three, the smell of Humans is a lo- I think I've made enough points. I look around before pushing myself to my feet and sniffing the air, I had the Scent of Humans filling my nose this time. I sneezed before observing the Humans rushing all over, my eyes drifted to one cage but when I went to take a step closer, the swaying of whatever we were on made me lose my balance and bang into the side of the cage. I lay on the ground for a few minutes trying to get my bearings before Pushing myself to my feet again. I noticed that a bunch of Humans had stopped what they were doing to look over at me when the bang sounded. I shook myself off and glared at them, growling. They hurried on away and I became distracted by a feeling of restriction on my shoulder. I look down to see the top half of my arm wrapped in a soft, white material. It covered the place I was shot and stopped it from being open to infection. I huffed and curled up in one of the corners, growling every time a human came to close. I scraped my claws along the metal, annoying the Humans with the noise. Some of them covered their ears and others just stuck small devices ,that played some sort of sound, in their ears. I rolled my eyes and closed my eyes, breathing deeply. Just as I was about to fall asleep I heard something this into my cage and a delicious smell that made my mouth water filled the cage. I opened one eye and saw and chunk of raw meat sitting in front of me. My other eye flicked open and I reached out my claws, pulling the meat towards me and devouring it. Stretching and standing once again I looked around and finally realized what was in the cage near me, a..... T-rex? They managed to catch her. How? She is the most powerful being on the Island. Speaking of the Island.... where am I? I then realized I was missing something big. Where the hell is Blue!? I can't lose him. I started racing round my cage. Cawing and crying out for him. After A few minutes I heard a weak cry in return. I turned towards the noise and saw the back of a truck lying open and just inside it I could see Blue. I ran to hat side of the cage and cried out for him.  My view of him was suddenly blocked by a human but this time I recognised the human. Owen. He smiled slightly before a loud, obnoxious voice filled the area, making him duck into the back of the truck. I growled as the Human that had shot me and Blue rounded the corner and headed over to the truck where Blue was. I growled loudly at him when he knocked on the side of the truck and started to talk to someone inside. As soon as he shut up I growled loudly dragging his attention to me. He smirked as he neared my cage and said why a hidden tone,"Such a beautiful creature. Aren't you?" I Snarled at him defensively and he reached into his jacket and pulled out a gun and shoot a stunning dart at me. I collapsed onto the ground with a pained whimper, immediately followed by an angry growl. I couldn't move. He smirked and chuckled evilly before unlatching my cage door and walking inside. He came and crouched beside me, he ran his hand down my neck,"Look at these beautiful markings." He trialled his finger along my coloured stripe before taking out a strange metal tool. I growled in warning at him, thinking,'I swear to any greater being if you touch m-' my thoughts were cut of by him pushing the strange too into my mouth locking on to one of my canines and ripping it out. I cried out in pain and my body jumped. I whipped my tail around as feeling began to return to my body, he smirked and stood up, walking out of the cage. I lay on the floor of the cage, the metallic taste of blood flooding my mouth and my whimpers of pain rebounding back to me. Feeling in my body began to return but I didn't do much as black spots were swimming in my vision. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Owen and a red-headed Human sneak out of the back of the truck. The last thing I heard before I sunk into darkness was a weak, pained Cry from Blue which haunted my thoughts.

Still Here - Blue Fanfic *Sequel* Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora