Chapter 3

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I saw Alpha's head snap in that direction aswell but before I could look....

Dawns POV-
But before I could look I felt a searing pain tear through my right leg, I let out a cry of agony and Surprise, I hadn't even heard the gun click. I tried to move my head up to see what was happening but I couldn't move my neck. I looked up and realised the human I thought of as adorable was gently holding my neck down and putting pressure on the wound, I let out a pained whimper to her. She turned and looked me in the eye before cautiously petting my head, as her nervousness ebbed away I lay my head back on the ground and felt move her hand from my head to my wound to apply more pressure and fiddly around with some white stuff in her hands. I was dragged out of my moment with the adorable Human by yelling of the other humans and Suddenly another pained Cry..... but this one wasn't from me. I heard Blue thump to the floor beside me, called out for him but when I attempted to stand my right leg gave out from  underneath me."Blue! Hun?!" I called out in a panic. My breathing began to pick up and I realised the Human that had been helping me had moved to Blue which I would be forever grateful for. I tuned into the Other humans conversation or yelling match with Alpha, "Look what you have Done to my damn Raptors!" Alpha yelled out in a rage. The Other human simply chuckled and said," Hey, they aren't dead and that's all that matters." But Alpha Replied with," Listen I know you guys are trying to 'help' or whatever but you are doing a poor job of it!" I managed to gain enough strength back into my body and I pushed my self into a standing position, making sure not to put any weight on my  right leg. I hopped my way over to Blue and made a controlled collapse to lay beside him but not filling letting my body lay on the ground, I kept myself upright. I nudged my head against him and Whined, the adorable Human looked at me in surprise, surprise that I was able to make my way over to Blue. I stood back up and stood in front of Blue protectively, not that I would be able to do much but it is the thought that counts. I looked over at the other humans and Alpha, just in time to see the Human that had an awful aura surrounding him pull out a gun and shoot alpha with some sort of dart and chemical that made him fall to the ground, but upon further inspection you can tell he was alive. I snarled at the Human with the dart gun and he Turned in my direction before he simply shot my with a dart and just before I fell Unconcious beside Blue I could faintly hear the adorable female human going off at the Human that had just shot me with the tranquilizer dart. My final thought before I passed out was,' Tranquilizer darts.... brings back memories from before everything went to hell.'

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