I quickly dried off and got on some clothes. A cropped top with camo long pants and a camo hat. The tight panty I put on didn't help to keep it down, so I got a sweater and tied it right above my pants, letting the sleeves hang right infront of my crotch.

I then tested sitting down. It was tucked between my outer lips so when I sat I felt it. My jeans rode down a bit due to the lack of space, almost starting to show where my genitals began. Sitting was uncomfortable 🥵. I guess I won't be sitting till I get some customized jeans. I stood up and leaned on my window.

My room door opened and I turned my top half around to see who it was.


She furrowed her brows and walked towards me.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Doing personal errands, mother." I gritted my teeth.

"Not by yourself, you aren't."

"Of course not, Bella is going with me."

A moment of silence. I felt her presence beside me and got tense.

"Where's she? She was here last night. How is she doing?"

I smirked at the fact that she was more concerned about Bella's well-being than mine. It has always been that way. And when she finds out that I'm a hermaphrodite, she's gonna disown me. More.

"She's alright. She's showering right now, to go with me. Her mom is acting stuck up towards her yet welcomed her daughter's babies as her own when she called Bella an abomination. And she's blinded by money that man gives her. I was thinking of making Bella and her babies live her-"

"Of course! In the type of environment, she's in— heck! Her mom should be in custody. Behind bars even. Whenever she wants to move in, she can."

I nodded while thinking 'And you should be in custody as well.'

I mustered a small smile to her, which she surprisingly returned. I felt a little something on my heart that I haven't felt in months. It was a bit of joy. But the feeling quickly vanished.

"Are you okay?"

I chuckled bitterly. My emotions turned off after I replied with an I'm fine.
Then she left.

I locked the door using telekinesis as Bella exited the bathroom, dressed.
I was kinda thankful. I didn't want another erection. I've just realized I'll be more sexual than I've ever been.

Ready? I asked.

"Yeah, let's roll." She mumbled heading towards the door.

I took some quick steps towards her and turned her around to kiss her.
I held her hand, walking down the steps until the last step where I let go. I could have sworn, I heard a silent whimper.

As we were heading towards the door, I heard them say a sentence I dreaded the most.

"You have a therapy session at 9 and a photos shoot at 11."

I groaned loudly and quickly exited with Bella.

I got in the car quickly, starting it up, covered my crotch with the sleeves of my sweater before Bella entered. As she closed the door, I reversed from the driveway, and onto the street.
I went over the speed limit on the barely occupied freeway and arrived at the first mall in no time. Bella and I exited the car and went to the first store.

It was a top-notch clothing boutique. She got so ecstatic, it was kinda cute. I felt my emotions return.
We were just browsing through the store until she found a dress that she studied intently. Then she brought it to me, holding it as close to my skin as she could.

"This would look so hot on you." She whispered and I felt my area get tight. I snuck a glance down there, and surely, it was trying to make itself known.

She looked at my stomach and noticed a slight rise.

"Are you bloated?"
I put my hands infront of my area casually and shrugged, turning away from her.

"Daya?" She furrowed her brows when I looked back at her. She raised her brows.

"I'm five months in. I'll be in the next store." I casually walked out, slightly hiding my stomach and private area.

Right next to the store we were in is where they sell gaffs.
I entered and immediately got service, I made sure that above all other facial features, they didn't catch my eyes. That would be sad. For me of course.
So, apparently for this store, they asked how many times a day I get a boner and how big I am before erecting... yeah. Pretty tmi. Let's just say, I bought 10 'Special' gaffs and rushed into the bathroom to put one on. But upon taking off my pants and panties, it sprung up.

Great. Just fucking great!
I did what I had to do to ease down the boner then put on the gaff and my jeans. I looked a bit close to normal down there. But you know what wasn't normal? A female moaning in a public bathroom and seeing semen on the bathroom stall. Good luck to the janitor.
I hurried out the stall and to the mirror, looking at my eyes. They were green hazel with obvious gold and red specs. I kept the cap right over my eyes as I walked out of the bathroom.

Bella was just exiting with 2 bags in her hands. I helped her with one before asking her where she'd go next.

"Food court. I'm starving! By the way. Is that a hickey? And why the hell are you pregnant! Again!?" I smacked her arm, earning an "ow"

"First, please keep your goddamn voice down. 2. Yes, it is. Plenty. 3. It's a dare. T's friends dared him to get me pregnant." I smirked at all that happened after that.

She stopped to stare at me in awe, as we were at the entrance of the food court.

"I know you won't stoop that low, what! Why the fuck, Zendaya!?"

I chuckled and got close to her; Thought she'd pick up on my patterns.

"Oh, little, naive Bella. I thought you'd pick up by now, I don't allow abusers of mine to escape as a live victim. Didn't you ask why you smelt copper this morning?" I smirked, now looking her directly into her hazel eyes. She started to connect the dots before putting a hand over her mouth. "You know, he did countless things to me in private and when I screamed for help, no one was there. So, it was only fitting that I took advantage of my permanent situation, and," I mimicked slitting his throat. "You know. You don't have to worry about such a thing happening to you. My demon takes a liking to you. You're safe." I gently caressed her cheek. She was still afraid. Aww. I hugged her but released her when I heard her stomach growl. "You look faint, let's get you something to eat."

We held hands and walked into the food court, getting her order.
She's afraid and reevaluating her decisions, but trust me- who or what I kill won't matter to her in the near future. I'll ensure that.

Word count:1870
I think tmi and partially demonic things and smut are kinda my niches. Loooll. Hope you had a great day!!¡¡

A twist In My life *completed* March 24 2021*sniffle*Where stories live. Discover now