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Getting into fencing class with Kylo was an unwelcoming surprise for Rose and Rey, but they knew that somehow this coincidence was disturbing and rare. Classes would be distributed once a week in different groups of people, so the probabilities of spending 45 minutes of such a beautiful sport with horrible company were low, which made Rey's stress grow lower than usual. The teacher, Mr Snoke, was known to be quite strict and weird, but very good at his job. He posted on ACU's webpage the requirements for each group of fencing, where he textually wrote 'must not be a complete imbecile at the basic movements and know how to properly do fencing' in the amateur group. As far as she knew, Ren's hability was superior than anyone else's, which made sense because he actually was the top student and the professor's assistant in some occasions. Rey knew that if she showed her advanced skills on such beautiful sport, the probabilities of ending up on Ren's same group were high.
Anyway, she tried not to put too much mind into it. After all, this was just a once per week training, well, as the minimum.
Her interests in attending another party was inexistent, after the dramatic drunk night, one was more than enough for a first time experience. Rose tried to open her mind into it, but lying about Kylo Ren's attendance would end up in a hot mess in the course of the night.

It was quite curious the way Kylo grew a certain interest in the little scavenger, though he had never been with a girl officially. His friends would often talk about one night stands with random girls that chased Kylo around campus, wanting to ride the swole boy with an insatiable lust. Ren would never talk about it, simply because it was a waste of his precious time and an unnecessary topic. Girls would never cross his mind, only in times of need, such as hot nights that turn in unpleasant company. Phasma knew that each time he brought a girl in, he would walk into the room with a whiskey bottle, only to empty its content until the next morning. As for the lucky girls, they never said a word about those nights. Rumors say, the owe it to Kylo's deadly threats "if anything is told". He was one of a kind man after all, with weird taste and unbearable attitude. His room was always messy, and his shelves would never be in their best conditions, as he always destroyed them.

All of this, was passed to Rey as a source of information about the weird boy that has been up to her movements. Since their last (and first) conversation, she has been nervous about talking back once again. Bringing up that sort of courage was way behind her, since she never actually talked back to such a enormous and scary guy. Thinking about it made her breathing go harsh, being slightly difficult to manage. Rose noticed this, and texted Poe and Finn once in a while for them to keep her posted on Ren's moves.
"Rose.." Rey suddenly summoned her.

Rose quickly looked up at her, leaving her
midtext. "Yeah?"

"Do you think I'm an outsider here on ACU?"

Rose didn't quite understood the question, she didn't even thought about that either. "Of course not, you're just the fresh meat. It happens to all of us."

This brought comfort to the younger one. Rey smiled and went back to her history books. She knew that somehow Rose was not being totally sincere, it was obvious that Ren brought up the "scavenger" word with a clear reason. She was indeed an outsider, and because of that Kylo started to bother her. But nothing of that really mattered to Rey, she only cared for her friend's opinion, even if she is lying about it. That meant she really cares, this made Rey smile. It was her first true friendship, and with Rose by her side, getting over this hassle would be way easier.

Rose noticed that she was lost in thought, and she knew for a fact that it was not about History. She was thinking about the outsider thing, and all she wanted was to make her new friend feel comfortable.
"Hey! How about we go down to grab some dinner?"

Rey snaped out of her thoughts, and processed Rose's suggestion. "Um, yeah! Sounds fun. Besides, I'm starving..."

"Good! I'll call Finn and Poe, meanwhile you get ready." She stood up from her bed and went outside to lit a cigarette while she was at it.

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