Ben Solo

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From what it appeared, Kylo Ren was know for being an unreadable guy, which was partly avoided now that people knew he was able of doing anything. Rumors about him would be heard in every corner about horrible things he would do, but none of them would be taken seriously mainly because he could never end up expelled. Having your own mother as the Headmistress of your college was indeed advantageous.
As the rumors spread, it got to the ears of everyone that his actual name was Ben Solo. But, if he ever heard someone saying that name, may the force be with them.
Nobody truly knew him as a person, Phasma was the closest student to Kylo. But honestly, she just knew how to handle his attitude, even had the nerve to actually talk back. He never actually established a real conversation, not even close to having one.
Kylo would only talk with his Fencing Teacher Mr Snoke, which had a clear preference with Kylo as well. In Kylo's first year, Snoke intended on having him as his leader student, as he saw all the potential the Solo kid had. Little he got to know that Rey Kenobi would have that same talent.

As the night arrived, Kylo would take his nocturnal walks as usual, near the Fraternity house; Death star. It would help him reflect about everything; his lessons with Mr Snoke, the fact that Luke Skywalker brought Rey to the campus, and sometimes his parents. He never truly understood himself, all these emotions were just stupid thoughts that partially distracted him from his goals. He used to live as a normal kid, but those times were over when uncle Luke tried to interfere.
After all that happened, he never trusted anybody else again, he considered himself broken, a man that has so much power but yet does not know what he wants to protect. Mr Snoke helped Kylo these last years in learning how to control his emotions, to only focus on the absolutes and never feel compassion for anyone else.
He felt prepared to take more responsibilities and finally rise as Snoke's best apprentice, but his Master would keep on insisting he was a foolish child. He hated that. He hated it so much.

It was getting very late, and he was not eager to finish his walk yet, the thought of seeing his stupid crew was annoying. Kylo was actually considering moving to a nearby apartment to finally have his personal space, where he could focus on his thoughts even more. But the only thing that was getting on the way was her Mother; Headmistress Leia Organa. She would often insist on Kylo moving out with her at the Alderaan Residence, that was actually her house and Kylo's childhood home. It was very close to the Campus, but he would never accept such invitation. It took 2 whole years to kick him out, and it wont take the same amount of time to bring him back.
A lot of things bothered Kylo's mind, and thinking about his past was one of them. He sweared to leave everything else behind, just like his grandfather once did.
"Say what?" Rey's eyes widened.

"What you heard. Don't make me say it again."

"But Rose! This is a big deal! Who in this world would actually consider change his noble brith name to one that is considered almost criminal? Like seriously.... Kylo Ren... over Ben solo? Get out of here!" Her British accent was way more exaggerated after the big rumor was revealed to her for the first time.

"It's not a big deal because we don't care about that scumbag in this dorm!" The tone Rose used was of deep fear this time.

"What do you want me to do? Forget about all this shit that has been haunting me?"

"Actually I do. But I don't know what is up with you that you insist on asking more questions about that guy!" She was irritated, Rey was not getting her point at all. "He is pure evil! Stop trying to get even deeper on this situation. Please!"

"Ok I won't. But if this guy is planning to bother me in some way, I must be prepared." Rey looked away to stare at her note pad, where she kept all of the things Rose said about Kylo.
This last week has been the worst one for Rey so far. She was always paranoid if she was going to bump into Kylo Ren again, and letting that happen was not in her plans. She would often check if every place was clear from any threat (meaning; a place clear from Kylo), and if that happened she would go back from where she came from.
Sometimes she would analyze what kind of guy she was dealing with. He actually was not ugly, his black hair had a unique style. Rey got the emo vibes from his black clothes and the piercings all over his left ear and eyebrow.
The only thing wrong with Kylo Ren was his attitude, he would never apologize if bumping into someone and would not even say a word to his classmates nor fraternity friends. Rey was really not into getting in a situation with this guy, since she never actually had good experience at handling one, not even close to having a good experience. She was not ready to face that reality, not again, not here.

"Ok let's change the subject!" That was the only thing Rose was trying to do since they started talking about him. "Did you decide which external class you're gonna take?"

"Yes, I am very good at this one actually."

"Nice! Finally a topic I'm not uncomfortable with! Now tell me, which one did you choose?" Rose was almost bouncing of joy.

"Fencing class." She was still staring at her note pad when said it, so she didn't get to see Rose's face to her decision.

"Oh you gotta be fucking kidding me."

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