The first day

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It has been almost two years since I moved in with Luke. He has been nice enough to help me study for my scholarship on the Alderaan Central University, where I can focus on what I'm really into; Photography.
Ever since I can remember I've lived with my Grandfather. My parents died on a car accident when I was just a baby, he was the only family I had left. Unfortunately, my Grandmother died long ago before my parents met, and my Grandfather joined her later on by the years. I continued living by my own until Luke Skywalker found me. I can't really explain how I ended up moving with him, but he sure helped me with my education.
I finished High School and got accepted on another University. But then Luke told me I could really have more opportunities if I entered ACU, so I continued my second year of collage there. They took me right in since my grades were outstanding.

Until now my social status remains the same, no friends and no one to trust except Luke. I've always loved to collect used mechanics pieces and give them some use, which then gave me the ability to know enough about mechanics and all that kind of stuff. For college I even worked on different workshops and saved enough money to pay the scholarship, with Luke's help obviously.
But little I knew that my hobby would become a threat to my social state and trust. After everyone knew I would repair and collect pieces of junk, they gave me a special and unique nickname... the scavenger.
That cursed name was the reason I never made friends with anyone during my school years, not to mention it was not on my top priorities.

I woke up with Luke's knock on my room door, I groaned as I got up and opened it.
"I was already awake" I said as I yawned.

"Yeah I can see that clearly." Luke smiled and gave me a strange card I never saw before. "We're leaving in 10, be sure to take a good shower and then you can eat breakfast on the car."

"So soon? I thought we could arrive around 10 am...." I said walking into my bathroom to turn on the shower.

"It's 9:34 am Rey, you overslept"

"Well that's great." I quickly closed the door to jump in the shower. I thought about all the new people I was going to meet and I started panicking, since I never was good at making friends or meeting new people. Luke told me his twin sister was the Headmistress of ACU, so that helped me relax a bit.
I closed my eyes and breath slowly, the hot water that ran down my body was sure relaxing. I thought about who could my new roommate be, begging she doesn't hate me, which would be a surprise.

I tried to push my thoughts away and get ready for my first day at college, so I got my things and brought them down to Luke's car.

"Got everything?" He asked while sipping the last of his coffee.

"Yeah it's not that much. Hey are you sure it's ok if we arrive a little late?"

"Leia was anxious to meet you, I'm sure she'll understand" He started the car and fixed the mirror. "Got that card I gave you?"

I searched for the thing he gave me right before I took a shower. "Yep, it's right here" I took a closer look and analyze the card, it just had the name of a mechanics workshop and the phone number. "What is it for?"

"Just an economic help when you get comfortable on the campus, you can get extra cash there. You're talented at it kid, take advantage." He smiled and turned on the radio as we headed towards the campus of ACU.
When we finally arrived there were million of college students walking around with their bags and giving their goodbyes to their families. I quickly got nervous, and by the second we got closer the more I wanted to return. Meeting new people was the one thing I was terrible at, I rather say stupid things or be rude in any way, it was sort of my curse.
Luke finally parked near the entrance, where I could see what it appeared to be Headmistress Leia greeting the new students.

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