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Hey guys! Sorry for not updating my story but I'm going through some really personal issues right now and I would love it if you guys could help me out on ideas and also understand that I will not be posting as much. Now with that said school is starting in about a week and with that and this whole thing going on with me I will not be updating everyday or every week. I hope you guys understand and I'm so sorry yeah? But I will leave a short disclaimer. I've been reading others story's and got some ideas BUT I am not stealing ideas ok it's just I thought you guys would enjoy it. Also if you guys have story's that you want me to check out leave a comment and I'll get back to you or if you don't wanna do that message me and I'll read them. So yeah disclaimer time sorry if it's bad!


Andy- Hey Jinxx what's going on where are we? We were in the studio but now we are in a room. What the...

Jinxx- I don't know man maybe this girl could help yeah?

WildOne0914- Hey guys yeah I'll help! Y'all are in my story in a disclaimer I'm doing to entertain my readers.

Andy- Oh well in that case...Hey guys my name is....

WildOne0914- Andy they know who you are. Or we would hope so anyway.

Ashley- Is it my turn to say something yet?

WildOne0914- Sure but don't be to pervy yeah? I'm sure the readers don't need that.

Ashley- Girl when am I...never mind. Hey sexy lady's and rocker boys how are y'all tonight?

WildOne0914- Ashhy they can't answer you out loud silly. Hey where's Jakypoo?

Jinxx- Probably sucking face with his girl.

Andy- Speaking of Jinxx where's your girl?

Sammi- Hey guys!

All the guys- SAMMI!!

WildOne0914- Ok guys who wants to say the disclaimer?

Sammi- I think Andy should do it. The fangirls would love his super deep voice.

*Andy clears his throat*

Andy- WildOne0914, also known as Kimmy or Kim, does not own our thoughts, actions, or us. And if she did I would believe we would be doomed. She's slightly crazy.

*WildOne0914 smacks his arm*

WildOne0914- Thanks dude so nice of you! Butt face.

A new beginningUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum