A difficult day in paradise part 1

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*Andys POV*

My life has been so much better since I met Alex. We were happy. We hardly ever fight and Juliet hasn't been seen since that day at the restaurant. It's been a year since I first met Alex. We've been dating for 11 months and she seems happy and content with me.

She is so amazing. I love her with all my heart.

We were leaving today to go on vacation before Warped Tour started. "Andy it's raining. Are you sure about today?" Alex asked worry etched on her face. "Yeah don't worry about it babe. Everything's going to be fine. I promise." She nodded and continued packing. A few months ago she moved into my room. She kept all of her clothes in her old room just because of how much room there was.

"Would I need any dresses?" She asked. I thought about that. "Umm yeah go ahead and bring a few." She nodded and packed 4 dresses. "I'm going to go and finish packing." I walked over and kissed her. "I love you babe." I said. She kissed me back. "I love you more Andy." I smiled at her and walked out.


*alexs POV*

I watched him walk out and turned back to packing. These 11 months have been amazing. He's treated me like I was special. Ha imagine that. Someone other than my original two friends thinks I'm amazing and special. I blushed at the thought of him kissing me. God how I love that man.

I am 21 now. Andy is 22. Wow what an age difference, not. If my parents, who I haven't heard from since that night 3 years ago, found out I was dating a rockstar, not that they care, would have a fit. They don't care about me and they never really have. You must be thinking, 'Oh you're so dramatic!', well believe me I'm not. I've been put through hell and I've been beaten.

They may say they care but those were lies. Nothing but cheap dirty no good lies.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I almost didn't hear my phone ring.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Is this Alex?" Said the voice.

"Yes," I hesitated. "Who is this?"

"You should no me. You stole my boyfriend."

I hesitated again. "I'm sorry but you must have the wrong Alex. I have never stole anyone's boyfriend."

The voice laughed. "Bull shit. You stole Andy away from me and you will get what's coming to you." I walked into Andy's room and he looked at me with a puzzled expression. I put the phone on speaker.

"I didn't steal Andy away from you. I don't even know who you are." I told the voice. The voice sounded familiar.

"Yes you did. This might ring a bell. You met me before at Spencer's."

I stopped. "Juliet?"

She laughed. "Ding ding. We have a winner. Now listen if you don't dump Andy I swear to god you will regret ever meeting him." I laughed.

"And what are you going to do exactly. And how the hell did you get my number?"

Andy slowly walked over to me and put his arms around me waist. "Don't worry about that Alex. If you don't do what I say there will be hell to pay. Break up with Andy before Warped or I will find you." The line went dead and I closed my phone looking at Andy.

"Look Alex I'm so sorry. She will regret calling you. I will find who ever gave out your number. Okay baby?" I nodded. "Are you finished packing?" I asked him.

"Yeah I am."

"Can you come help me finish I don't want to be alone." He nodded and grabbed his bags and put them in my old room. We spent at least 20 minutes finishing packing for me.

It was about noon when we finished. We grabbed our stuff and left for the airport. He wouldn't tell me where we were going. He said it was a surprise.

I shrugged it off as we were boarding, he wouldn't even give me my ticket. "Ugh babe how am I suppose to board the plane when I don't have my ticket?" He chuckled. "I have this covered okay?" I sighed. "Fiiine." He kissed my as we stood in line. It was our turn next and he gave the flight attendant our tickets. "Okay thank you sir and ma'am. Have a good flight." We nodded and walked onto the plane.

First class. No crying babies, no snotty kids kicking the back of our seats, and even better we have two seats to ourselves.

I closed my eyes as the plane took off. According to Andy this flight was going to take at least 29 hours. This is going to be a long flight.

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