New adventure

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*Ashleys POV*

BUZZ BUZZ. I sit up and grab my phone. So much for a nap. My head is throbbing. I grabbed my phone to see a text from Andy.

"Hey Ash @ the hospital. Explain l8r. Txt me when u get here."

I sighed. Well fuck. I say up and looked around. What the fuck happened in here. Oh well Andy is expecting me. I threw on clean clothes and brushed my hair and teeth. I threw on my boots and grabbed my keys locking up the house.

On the way to the hospital I managed to get rid of my headache.

"Hey Andy I'm here. Where u @?"

I waited in the car until I felt my phone buzz.

"Waiting room. Grab coffee. Plz. 3 + u if u want I'll give u money to repay u."

I sighed. I walked in and went to Starbucks ordering 3 coffees and a smoothie. Within 15 minutes our orders were ready. I walked over to the waiting room and saw Andy with his parents. I handed them the coffees and pulled him over.

"How much man? I'm sorry that I didn't explain." He looked really worried. I shook my head. "Nah man don't even bother. So here's your chance to explain what the hell is going on. And this better be good."

He sighed. "Do you remembered that girl my parents were, are, was, whatever..anyway the girl they are taking care of?" I nodded. "Well she regained her memories. Well some of them anyway. Her name is Alex. She's 20 years old and that's all she told us. She was apologizing for 'being a bother' and her eyes suddenly went blank. She collapsed a few seconds after that and I brought her here."

"Woah." I said. He nodded. "Woah is right. And just so you know she knows who were are. And she didn't go all fan girl on me."

"Good," I said taking a sip from my smoothie. "I hate it when they do that. But I wonder what's going on with her. You talked to her? Yes?"

He nodded and blushed. Woah Andy blushing...well this just got interesting. "Yeah I talked to her. Her...her voice is like wind chimes it's absolutely breathtaking. And..and her eyes Ash. My god. The were like emeralds shinning with so much life. And those lips. The were bright red and absolutely amazing." He sighed and looked at me. "I think she's getting to me."

I laughed. "I would say so bro. But you've barely known her for, what, a day. And you only talked to her once. You are such a hopeless romantic sometimes." He nodded. "Fuck. Well this just got so messed up." I nodded.


*Alexs dream state*

"Alexandra Belle Madison! Get your emo ass in here!" My mom yelled. I sighed. Here comes another beating.

"What the fuck do you want?" I said.

"Don't speak to your mother like that you ungrateful bitch. I gave birth to you! Treat me with the respect I deserve."

I laughed. "Ha! You think you deserve respect. All you do is beat me. Why the fuck should I respect you." I stopped laughing as my dad grabbed my arm. "Don't you ever talk to her like that. Do you hear me you stupid emo slut!" I gripped my arm harder.

"Let me go you disgusting bastard. Why was I so cursed with parents like you!? All I want is for you to love me!" I cried out as he threw me across the room shattering a picture. "Get the fuck out of our house you disrespectful slut."

I ran and ran. My heart beating fast in my chest. I ran upstairs and packed my clothes and a few essentials. I grabbed all of my shoes and pictures and stuffed them in bags. I looked at my calendar. So much for actually having a good birthday this year. Happy 18th birthday to me...

I ran down the stairs with my bags and slammed the door. I hot wired my dad's car and drove a few blocks before running out of gas. "Fucking piece of shit!" I yelled as I hit the steering wheel. I got out all of my stuff and left his car there. I called my friend and asked him to pick me up. A few minutes later we were in his cabin and I was crying eating ice cream and telling him everything that happened.

"I am so sorry Alex. You can stay here for however long you want. No one will know you are here but first. Give me your phone." I handed it to him and he walked into the kitchen and threw it in the blender. "There now no one can call you. Or track you. You can use the house phone until I get you a new one. But for now Alex you need to go to bed no offense but you look like shit."

I laughed. "Geez I wonder why," I sighed. "Thank you so much for being there Christian. You are so awesome." And with that I grabbed my stuff going to the spare room. I crashed soon after putting on my PJs.

(Fast forward 2 years)

"Happy birthday Alex!" Christian woke me up with breakfast in bed. "Thank you so much Chrisy!" He laughed. "No biggy doll face. Oh and my boyfriend will be here soon. We have a surprise for you."

I smiled and laughed. My life has come so far in two years. My best friend came out of the closet and told me he had a boyfriend. I was so happy for him that I nearly spilt the wine on his bright blue shirt when he told me. "Okay Chrisy! Lemme get dressed and I'll be down in a bit."

He nodded and gave a another big hug. I ate my food while looking for something to wear. Today is my 20th birthday. I looked at the calendar. October 3.

I chose a black t-shirt with orange leggings and a black and orange skirt over it. I put on my black and gray vans and walked down stairs.

"Hey there's the birthday girl!" Christians boyfriend hugged me. He was cute for a gay guy. He had cute features and had a skinny but built body. I laughed. "Hey Adam."

"Come on Alex we got something for you!!!" He jumped up and down. "Okay Adam! Chill! Haha." I laughed as he did his little puppy dog face.

"Baby quit bothering her. Come Alex we have 2 gifts for you. Well okay more like 4..two from each of us." I shook my head and followed. He reached behind the couch and pulled out two big presents, one small one, and one medium one. "You guys shouldn't have!"

"Open them! Open them I can't wait to see your face." Adam laughed.

I opened the smaller one first and found a pretty blue BVB necklace, a ring, and a brand new lip ring. I smiled as Adam came around to put the necklace on. I slipped on the ring and rushed to the bathroom to put on the lip ring. "Thank you guys. How do I look?" They both clapped and laughed. I sat back down and opened the medium one. Inside of it was a BVB shirt and ripped jeans.

I laughed and sat them aside. I opened the bigger of the two big ones and found a brand new cherry red bass inside. "HOLY SHIT! OH MY GOD THANK YOU SO MUCH!" I yelled and tuned it. "Hey you still have one more you can play with your bass later."

I nodded and picked up the last present. I opened it slowly and found a brand new mic. I smiled and started crying. They both came over and moved my new stuff to the side. "Hey what's wrong?" Christian asked. "I am so sorry I'm just so happy. This is the second time you guys spent a lot of money on me and it's still kinda new."

He hugged me and nodded. "Hey I understand Alex I really do. I am just happy you got away from all of that. We both love you enough to replace those awful excuses for parents." Adam nodded and hugged me as well.

"Why don't you go get you that black guitar we got you last year so you can play us a few songs." Adam said after I stopped crying. I nodded and grabbed my bass and clothes taking them to my room.

I grabbed my guitar and put the strap on walking into the living room again. I sat down across from them. "So any suggestions?" They both looked at each other and smiled.

"Yes play Perfect Weapon by BVB. We love hearing you play that song. Oh and sing as well!" Adam said.

After playing and singing a few songs a snap was heard. "Fuck! A string broke and I just ran out. Well guys looks like I'm going into town. Need anything?"

They shook their heads and told me to be careful. It wasn't a long walk into town so I walked.

Next thing I knew it was in the middle of the day and I was changed into my new clothes. Another thing I noticed was I was beaten and bloodied.


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