A new dawn

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*Andys POV*

I get startled awake by my phone ringing on the bedside table. "Fucking serious!" I look at the clock and it reads 10:09. "For fucks sake." I get reach for my phone and see that it's my dad calling.


"Yeah dad it's me. What's up? Why are you calling so early." I asked sleepily.

He chuckled. "Well someone was out parting last night," I laughed. "Anyway son, we need you to come over really quick please. There's something we have to show you. Bring Ash with you. This might require two of you."

"Why dad? What's going on?" I was a little fearful my dad sounded busy and far off like something bad had happened.

"I'll explain when you get here. Okay? Now I have to go. Your mom says hi by the way."

"Hi mom," I yelled. I heard a faint hi in the back ground and smiled. "Okay I'll bring over one of the guys. Maybe Ash if he's awake. I'll see you guys soon. Okay? Love you guys."

"Love you to son."

He hung up the phone as I started stretching. God this so better be worth getting up this early. I threw on some black ripped skinny jeans, I grabbed on of my Motley Crüe shirts and my boots. I ran down stairs while putting on my shirt. I walked over to the couch to see Ash sleeping. Must be nice. I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a glass and filled it with water.

I tiptoed over there again and threw the water on Ash. "Fuck man! What the hell is wrong with you!" He yelled.

"Shhh the rest of the guys are probably still here and sleeping. By the way thanks for taking me out to forget Juliet. But I need you this morning. My dad called saying he needs us over there right now. He said to bring you. So can you get dressed in clean clothes and kinda hurry please."

He just glared at me. "Fine whatever. Give me a minute." He walked to the spare bedroom that happened to have a few of his clothes in it. He crashes here a lot. I put on my boots and grabbed my leather jacket. I ran my hand through my hair. "Fuck!" I sighed I forgot to brush my hair. "Ash I need to brush my hair give me a second!"

He walked out of the spare bedroom and nodded. I ran back upstairs and brushed my long hair.

(A/N yes I know Andy cut his hair okay this takes place before then.)

I run back down, throw on my jacket and grabbed my keys. "Ready," I asked Ash. He nodded. "Good. Let's hurry. It sounded important."

We rushed out the door and I locked it. We got to my sports car and quickly got in. "Do you know what this is about? I mean like why so early. Everybody knows that I hate waking up early."

I shook my head. "No I sadly don't know. He was being very secretive and said he would tell us when we got there."

Ash shook his head. "Maybe it's a surprise party for you." He chuckled. I laughed along with him and shook my head.

"Ash. It's October."

He smiled and shrugged. "You never know." I rolled my eyes and mumbled "You wish," under my breath.

We got there an hour later. "Finally!" I smacked his arm. "Shh dude." He knocked on the door and my dad answered smiling at us.

"Hey guys. Come in please." I walked in after giving my dad a quick hug. "Hey Chris, long time no see." Ash hugged my dad. "Hey Ash." My dad smiled and laughed.

"So what's so important dad," I asked. "Is everything okay?" He looked at the spare room as my mom came out. "Andy! Hey honey I missed you!" She hugged my tightly as she say Ash standing behind me. "Ash! Good to see you awake this early." She laughed as Ash mumbled "Yeah," under his breath.


"Oh yeah. Well follow me guys."

We walked to the spare room and saw a sleeping figure. I was stunned. I could hear my dad explaining what happened and how they found her but his words seemed distant to me. The figure in the bed was sleeping of course and looked peaceful. But very beaten up. I walked over to her and say down beside her as my dad continued with his story. She had long black hair that was almost purple, she had no makeup on except eyeliner and mascara or really what's left of it, she had bruises on her cheeks and her lip was busted on one side, her lip ring still intact.

"Andy? Did you hear anything?" My dad asked me. I shook my head and continued looking at her. She was so beautiful. She was wearing a Black Veil Brides shirt and I smiled. So a little fan. Good. I couldn't see her pants because of the sheet but I could see her wrists. I gasped as I saw all of the little cuts and big cuts going up and down her arm. No one should ever feel this lost. No one should ever cut them self like that.

"Andy. Should I explain again?" I looked at him and nodded only to looked back at her.

"Okay. Your mother and I were coming back for breakfast, since we don't sleep as late as you guys, and we saw a heap lying on the side of the road unconscious. I pulled over and ran toward it only to discover this girl here all beaten and bloodied. Now this was a few days ago and I couldn't really tell you. You wouldn't answer your phone after you and Juliet broke up. Anyway she just got out of the hospital today and your mother gave her the clothes she was wearing that day and told her to sleep and not worry about a thing. The bad news out of all of this is, we don't know her name. And nether does she."


"And nether does she." I looked at him and then back at her. "You have to be kidding. She lost her memories!"

My mom nodded and looked sad. My dad came over there and sat down on the bed and pushed the hair out of her eyes. He nodded and looked sad as well. "No wallet, no ID, but by the looks of it she's at least 20. The only thing we found on her was what she's wearing, a necklace, a ring, and that lip ring."

My mom cleared her throat. "The doctors told us that she might regain her memories in time. She will know her age when she wakes up, just not her name or where she lived or anything like that." She started crying. I hugged her. "Shh it's okay mom. I know you don't know her and all and neither do I, but maybe I could take her once she wakes up? I mean we could all take care of her until her memory returns and so could Sammi."

Everyone looked at me. "What it's just an idea. Six people taking care of her instead of two." My mom and dad shared looks with one other. They nodded. My dad got up and hugged us. "Well guys thank you for coming. And the doctors said it might be today or tomorrow until she wakes up. I will call you son and let you know when she wakes up. But now your mother wants to get her fixed up so she looks decent."

We both nodded and walked out of the room. My parents trailed after us and hugged us both at the door. They both said goodbye and that they loved me. We walked out the door and away from the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. It kinda hurts walking away. What are you saying Andy! You don't even fucking know her! Get her out of your head. You and Juliet have been broken up for 2 weeks now. Get it together! But I couldn't help thinking of the way she looked. God I'm so fucked.


Ooooo Andy likes her! Haha hey guys I hoped you liked the first chapter and I know it's kind of scrambled up and weird but I just got the idea for a new story and it really didn't take to long for the first chapter. Which probably means it sucks. Oh well I'll have the second chapter up soon. Stay awesome guys!

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