1 - "I don't care"

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"All I'm saying is that it's obvious you really want me," Alex smirked at the uncomfortable girl next to him. All she was trying to do was study for the MCAT when this human embodiment of a migraine decided to place himself between her and a good grade. "So how about I get your number and we can keep in touch."

The girl was completely and absolutely turned off by the boy in front of her. Not only was Alex the complete opposite of her type, but she batted for the other team.

However, she was intent on not letting the rude boy in front of her being the first to know, so instead she held her ground.

"Uh... no thanks," she said politely, despite her current condition.

"Aww, come on," Alex leaned back in the chair and somehow looked even sleazier.

"I'm really not interested."

"But I am," Alex smirked. At this point, the girl's mood shifted from annoyed to scared. Would she become a police case simply because she said no? Alex wasn't the type to harm others physically, but she didn't know that and her fears were realistic.

All around her people were working silently, completely unaware of her predicament.

"I- Uh..." the girl didn't know how to respond. How should she escape? She gripped her pencil tighter and planned for the worst case scenario. Maybe I'll aim for the eyes...

As if the universe recognized her situation, a voice spoke up behind her. 

"How about you leave her alone?"

Alex's creepy gaze shifted from the girl and towards the guy who stood behind her, "How about you stay out of it."

The tall, dark man moved around from behind the girl and planted himself in an empty chair at the table with so much authority that Alex sat up a bit.

"How about you get up and leave. We wouldn't want to make a scene, would we?"

Alex's eyes traveled down to the man's arms.

What the fuck...

Instead of backing down, Alex decided to try a different approach. He smoothly leaned on the table, facing the guy across from him.

"What? You want me instead?" He asked suggestively.

The man copied his movements so that their faces were only inches apart. With deliberate movements his eyes panned over Alex. "Maybe."

He had called his bluff and Alex wasn't ready for it.

"Ew, what the fuck dude. Back off," he said, immediately leaning away.

"But you're just my type." The man consciously let his eyes focus in on Alex's lips and did his best to look interested.

"Ugh, piss off," Alex said, trying to seem casual about his response.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" The man leaned closer until he was nearly sitting on the table. His gaze was becoming a bit overwhelming for the freshman in front of him.

"Uh, yeah! A little bit!" Alex answered, becoming increasingly annoyed.

As if a switch was flipped, the man sat back in his chair, any trace of seduction completely gone. "Hmm. I bet that's how you were making this lovely girl feel. Now how about you just get up and walk away like nothing happened. And if I see you bothering her again? It won't go as smoothly as it did this time."

Alex sat back stunned. So that was his plan. Alex cursed himself for falling into the trap and got up, blowing off the two people in front of him.

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