Chapter 2- Cyborg

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I met Robin when I was stopping a robbery.

I had just ran away from home and all I had on me was a sweater to hide my face and a few dollars. I hated what I had become, and what my father had done to me but when I saw a robbery I knew I had to stop it, after all, I have these new abilities, I'm stronger, faster and smarter. So When ran up to the men who had just broken the window I didn't know that I was going to hit them so hard. After the first few punches, anger rose through me and I didn't stop, I began to cry as all the anger and sadness I had bottled up finally burst out. They stared at me with fear and I took the hood off. "THAT'S RIGHT LOOK AT ME! MY LIFE WAS PERFECT BEFORE THIS MESS!"




"A NORMAL LIFE!" Suddenly a hand was on my shoulder, I whipped around and blindly tried to attack whoever had touched me. But the person was nowhere to be seen.

"You are angry, breath deeply and calm down" a voice came from the shadows


"Life is hard and can be unfair at times but taking your anger out on these people, even if they are thieves is not the answer" I looked down and saw four guys all beaten and bloody.

"I-I did this" I backed away.

A guy jumps from the ceiling and lands in front of the men, he checks their pulse. "Don't worry, they are not dead"

When he looked at me and I saw those familiar colours I had dropped to my knees. "Oh my god, it's you! Robin! I-I'm your biggest fan!" But as my words left my mouth I realized something. "I-I'm your biggest fan and I was...Please, just arrest me" I looked at the floor and raised my wrist so he can cuff me.

"No I won't but if we stay here the cops surely will." my eyes widen and I look up at Robin.

"Listen I may not know what you are going through but sometimes life can push us to our breaking point and when it does, some people don't have anyone to help them get back on their feet" Robin grabbed my arm and pulls me up.

"I surely didn't when I had mine....if you'd like there is a Boxing gym nearby, we can break in and lose some steam there rather than losing it on these poor bastards"

I smile slightly "yeah that sounds good"

After that night I decided to follow him and be part of whatever plan he had for me. I looked at beats boy.

"How did you meet him?"


Beast boy shuffled nervously on his seat "...well"

I was part of a team called Doom patrol, we all had something in common in that team, we were all experimented on and that's how we all got our powers. I had never known what being normal was as I was expected to be a "hero" and work for Doom patrol. But after I found out that the same people who funded Doom patrol were the same people who kidnapped me and experimented on me since I was a child, I ran away. I was homeless for a while, not knowing who to trust as I was just a green kid on the streets of Jump city and you all know how dangerous it is to be out there at night on your own. So to avoid people I'd spend more time as an animal and with the lack of communication with people I had slowly felt myself lose more of my humanity.

One day I was a dog and I found some dude in a costume on the park bench. He looked like he was in a fight so I came to him and licked his hand, he woke up and offered me food. After I saw his R crest I knew he was the famous Robin so I stuck by him. And he took me to his apartment. I stayed as a dog for a week until one day let my guard down, I was probably so well rested that I changed back into a human form while we both slept on the bed. So he ended up waking up hugging a naked green boy rather than a green stray dog who he had saved from the streets.

He almost killed me but after some calming down and me getting dressed I explained my story. I thought he'd kick me out but he let me stay but this time he gave me my own room.

And that's How I met Robin.

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