Chapter 2: New School, New Friends.

Start from the beginning

Ruby:"Yay, Josh you actually decided to come to beacon with us!"

Josh:"You make it seem like I wasn't going to."

Ruby:"Well, it's just that you wanted to open up your shop and it's why you didn't accept Ozpin's offer last year."

Josh:"Yeah that's true but if I didn't come with you guys Yang would have busted down my front door and dragged my unconscious body to beacon."

Ruby:(Giggles) "Yeah, that does seem like something that she would do."

Yang:"You guys what know what else I would do. This!" Yang says as she grabs me and Ruby into a hug that kinda hurts, is caring, and shows her excitement all at the sametime.

Yang:"Oh, I can't believe my baby siblings are coming with me to beacon."

Ruby and I manage to push ourselves out of Yang's hug before she decided to put anymore pressure to it.

Ruby:"Really sis, it was nothing."

Yang:"Aw, come on. Everyone's gonna think your the bees knees."

Ruby:"But I don't want to be the bees knees. I wanna be a normal girl with normal knees."

Josh:"Ruby, regardless of what you think. Everyone is going to know that you got moved 2 years ahead of a lot of other people. There's nothing to be ashamed about what you did. You should embrace the fact that you stood up to someone like that bowler hat criminal, and recognized for your hard work and dedication." I said as I tried to reassure Ruby which kinda seems to work though by not much since it's easy to tell that she's going to be missing a lot of her friends.

Yang:"He's right Ruby, I mean look at Josh he's being moved up along with you and you don't see him entirely upset about it. Even though he had to leave his shop behind. Speaking of did remember to lock your door before you left?"

Josh:"Yes, mom. I remembered to lock my door and leave the alarm on in case someone tried to break into it."

Yang:"Did you also remember to refill your pill bottle, and bring it with you? And did you also make sure that you didn't bring your flask with you since your supposed to be going straight."

Josh: (Sighs)"Yes, I remembered to refill yesterday before you dropped off Ruby. You know you don't have to ask me about that everytime you see me. And you know I don't have it on me." Which isn't technically a lie since I stored it away in my suitcase because I knew that she would ask that.

Yang:"Actually I do, it's my duty as your big sister to make sure that your taking care of yourself since your no longer living at home with me and Ruby."

As Yang and I are arguing about my life choices we hear the tv in the background talking about the bowler hat criminal whose name was apparently Roman Torchwick and is supposedly responsible for a lot of the dust stores being robbed these past few months which begs the real question why would anyone need that much dust. Then the tv turns off and we see the blonde huntress that Ruby and I had met last night and her name is Glynda Goodwitch and I have to say that her name suits her since she kinda looks like a witch especially with that cape of hers and how she waves her riding crop around like it's a magic wand. After her little speech about how we're in a world in a time of peace but it's our job to as young huntsman and huntresses to protect that peace in case something should happen which I really hope she's not foreshadowing. We then head over to the window and I have to admit it that view is pretty amazing.

Ruby:"Look you guys you can see signal from here. I guess home really is far away now. "

Yang:"Beacon is our home now. Don't worry I know it'll take some getting used too. I mean what could go wrong."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2018 ⏰

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