「EP10」「SS2」→ My Family

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Alex's POV

"Have you seen that kid anywhere?"

I shook my head and sighed, he was tricky and was actually smart enough to avoid where we'd usually see each other. This brat is smarter than the two of us thought he'd be. "You can't let him spread the word that you actually pitted someone... What a joke, I can't believe you took that girl to the romance festival." Kyoto scoffed, he was starting pout. "Now we'll never be popular or something."

"This doesn't affect you so why are you upset about it anyway? Shouldn't this be more of a me thing?" I asked him. He rose an eyebrow and shrugged his shoulders. "Because... I kinda made a bet with someone that the BOTH of us would be popular by the end of the year. Not just myself, so that's why. If I lose then I end up being exposed myself. If we win then we're popular. Man this stinks." He complained, groaning and kicking an empty can of soda across the street. "Well I can try to ask some people more information on Tui? I'm pretty sure one of his friends would rat him out. But who..?" I pondered, Kyoto grabbed my shoulders and shook me back and forth. "Alex you are a genius! Let me look into that more and we can get some answers!"

"Wait wouldn't it be faster if I followed Tui around like he did to me?" I questioned, Kyoto slapped my face and shoved me. "You idiot, he will know you're doing that. I tried to look for him the way he usually goes home but he takes a different route! He's always traveling with someone beside him too, he manages get to Mauro or Nick to walk with him." Kyoto explained. I scoffed and threw a rock at the ground and kicked some dirt. "Those two aren't even a problem, I could easily kick their butts. If I were brave enough..." I told him. Kyoto put his hand on my shoulder and handed me something. "Here, I'll give you this but be cautious. Don't let it get destroyed or whatever. Follow the guy and tell me where he lives, I'm sure it's not that hidden but we need the exact location where he lives. I know he's by the library but we need to know where exactly so we can grab the evidence and destroy it." Kyoto told me, I opened the palm of my hand and it was a tiny camera. "What do I do with this?" I asked.

The smacked the back of my head and rolled his eyes. "You're an idiot, that's a hidden camera that you attach to your clothing. Don't forget to make sure it can record just about everything you're seeing. Wear a beanie or something I don't know, just make sure it's able to pick up what you see." I nodded and put the camera away in the case he handed to me after. I needed to get some answers on where this information is. I really want to be the coolest kid in school and Kyoto reminds me this is the only way...

*** ***

Tui's POV
"Thanks for walking me home again, Mauro. I'm really not comfortable walking around alone because of Alex... I keep feeling like he might pop up any second." I thanked my best friend as he scoffed. He rose his arm up and gave a confident look. "No need to fear tui, he's just a bug that can be squashed easier than you might think. He's all talk but shows little effort to live up to what he says. Keep that in mind whenever you're afraid." He reassured me. I nodded and gave him a bro hug and a high-five. "Catch you at Tui," he said while waving. "Darn pun... Later." I replied jokingly. He laughed and I entered the apartment complex and made my way upstairs.

I opened the front door and I was greeted by my sister and Ivy. "Hey Brobro, come join us!" Marissa greeted, inviting me to play a game they were playing a game on the TV. "Huh? What is it?" I pondered, they were playing a racing game with a bunch of cool looking characters. "It's fun! Join us we'll start the game over for you." Ivy replied as Marissa got the third controller out. "When did we get a game station?" I questioned as I grabbed the controller and Marissa plugged it in. "Mom brought it home! She said a friend of hers from work offered it to her pretty cheap! So she thought we'd like it. All we have is this racing game but we can buy more!" Marissa exclaimed.

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