「EP3」「SS1」→ The Girl

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"So can you really pitch a 50 mile per hour ball?" I asked Kat, while packing up to leave school. "Yup, if you like I can teach you what the coach has been showing." She offered. I shrugged my shoulders. "I gotta get home, Marissa hates it when I stay out late." I told her. Kat scoffed and lightly shoved me. "Come on, who cares what she wants? Let's play some ball! It'll be fun." She insisted.

"Thanks... But I need to do homework too, maybe if you come over we can work on it together and THEN play!" I suggested, she gave me a skeptical look and grabbed her backpack. "You're a weird little guy... But ok, I'll tell my dad. Just meet me over at the McCrabbyFarts store and we'll go to your house there." She said, I nodded and she walked off.

"Hey, Tui!" Glitch greeted, coming in from almost nowhere. "Oh, hey Glitch. How's it going?" I asked, we began walking away from the classroom. "Great, say, you still haven't met one of my friends yet!" She said, laughing.

"Huh? You have even more friends? Man... You sure are popular." I said while scratching my chin. She giggled and shook her head. "Not that popular, Tui! But if you do consider it popular, than you are too! You're friends with all of mine!" She said, I shrugged my shoulders.

"I suppose so, I mean, I just met them a few days ago..." I told her.

"So? They like you! They think you're pretty cool." She reassured, I smiled; and began to feel good.

"So uh... who's that one friend of yours that I haven't met yet?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah... Her name is Crystal, but she's been hanging out with her other friends recently. I'm going have an arrangement so you two could finally meet."

"Sounds great, can't wait to meet her!"

"You two will get a long... I know it."

*** ***

"Hey!" I heard behind me, I turned around, and I saw it was John. "Oh, what's sup, bud?" I said while walking over to him.

"Not much, I just wanted to know if you had some money or anything..." He asked, I shook my head, and he gave a disappointed sigh. "Okay... Oh, and, have you met Crystal yet?"

"Nope, Glitch is going to introduce me to her though. Why?"

"Forget that ! Let's go meet her right now! She's in the baseball field over by the high school."

"What is she doing there?"

"Hanging out with the others, let's go!"

"B-But I have homework!"

"Come on, Tui! It's gonna be fun!"

I shrugged my shoulders and began to follow john, where I believe is the high school. "So, uh, do you guys take baseball really seriously here?" I asked John.

"Yeah, all the parents want their kids to do softball or baseball. It's really big for the city, especially since Windy Hills always tops us, same with Fire City."

"I don't get how Fire City beats you guys though, you guys have a lot more equipment than we do."

"Huh? What do you mean than you? You're with us, Tui! I don't know where you were from before, but you're one of us now! I know you probably miss Fire City or where ever you came from but you'll like it here, trust me'l

~Desire~ <Tui x Crystal>Where stories live. Discover now