「EP7」「SS1」→ The Sleepover

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Super quick a/n: the reasoning behind why it takes a few days to publish is because I'm making most of these episodes 2000+ words long so it takes a while to make that; that and I also get lazy and caught up in other things XD so anyways I'll shut up and let you enjoy today's ep :3

"So, I'm off to the sleepover!" I told my mom, grabbing my things. "Okay, have fun!" She said, I went to the living room and Luna and Marissa were watching TV. "I'll see you two tomorrow, don't have too much fun without me!" I said, beginning to leave.

"You're going to actually spend the night there?" Luna asked, I nodded, she just shrugged her shoulders. "I guess I can go one day without seeing you... it'll be really weird... But I can do it."

I left the house, over excited. I rushed down the stairs and then out of my apartment complex. I looked at the bright orange sky and took a deep breath. "This is going to be fun..." I mumbled.

*** ***

I nervously walked up to her front door. I honestly was feeling hesitant to doing this, maybe she wasn't serious and I was just being played for a fool... No, she wouldn't do that! She's awesome! I grew confidence and knocked on the door. Patiently waiting, I looked at the door; until someone finally opened it.

"Oh! You must be Crystal's friend! Please, come in!" A kind looking woman offered, I walked inside. "Thank you, ma'am!" I thanked, walking inside and taking off my shoes. "Crystal is upstairs, why don't you go play with her?" The woman asked.

"Great idea!" I told her, going up the stairs. "It's the second room on the right, can't miss it!" She added. I felt the soft rug brush against my toes as I ran across the hallway. I turned to my right to the second door, and there before me was crystal's room. "Wow! I can't wait, I'm so excited!!" I squealed, making myself feel like a girl.

I opened the door, and I was greeted by Crystal. "Tui! You're here!" She cried, getting up from her bed and rushing over to give me a tight hug. I hugged her back, dropping all my things on the floor. "I'm here! Yay!" I chuckled. She pulled away from the hug and smiled. "So what do you wanna do first? I got a karaoke set, and I also have some board games and tons of movies! And I also have a computer in my dad's office!" She bursted out, filled with glee.

"Wow, so much to do! And we only have one night!" I inquired in awe.

I closed the door and looked around, it wasn't too girly. She really just had a normal looking room, she did have a table for tea parties, I assume, and some dolls and a dollhouse. "When is everyone going to get here?" I asked.

"Well they all said they'd be here soon, so it probably wouldn't take long. Say, do you have a wattpad account?"

"Nope, what is it?" I asked, she snickered and I took a seat on her bed. "It's an online website where you could post stories and stuff, I love using it! But you should probably create an account! Everyone in the group has one!" She cried.

"I'd love to!" I replied. "Only thing is I don't have a computer at home..."

"Well maybe someday you can." She said, patting my back.

"Anyway, my mom said, we can either have pizza or burgers for dinner tonight. What would you like?" She asked.

"Pizza from where?" I asked.

"Papa John's"



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