The Next Level

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The last phase of my training consisted of the magical aspects of my talents. We started with testing to see if my magical levels were sufficient enough to continue the training. What they found was that I possessed the same level of magical energy as an elf with royal blood and began to call me Little Prince because of it. After that they gave me a book that housed weapon summoning spells in it and told me to study the spells and the weapons that they would summon. They quizzed me for days about which spell summons which weapon. After two months of this process they moved on to process of summoning the weapons themselves. It starts with knowing the shape and style of weapon I want and having that image cemented in your mind. We started with a sword that would best suit my tastes and style of fighting. I close my eyes and concentrate on a sword that would best suit me.
The image of a black katana styled swords comes to mind. The handle is styled from a rapier and the blade itself is smaller than an actual katana but there is only the one bladed edge. I let the image finalize as I speak the spell to summon it. "Zangetsu" I say out loud and feel my magic move to shape the sword. The sword rests calmly in my hands as my magic calms from creating it. I open my eyes to see the sword in my hand and as I swing the sword it feels just as fluid, if not better, than my practice swords. My instructors have me spar with drones to test the sword's make and to see if there are any imperfections in the making of the sword. The design of the sword is smaller which helps with quick movements because the sword isn't to big and in the way. We repeat this process for a week of summoning a sword and sparing to make sure that I have it down pact. We went through this process with all the weapons they wanted me to master. This process lasted 2 years of training me in summoning a weapon, and sparring to make sure that I could handle the weapon with ease.
The last 2 years of my training consisted on imbuing my weapons with magical abilities as well as working with my animal companions, known as familiars. Some of my favorite spells to cast on my weapons were the ability to amply gravity on whatever the blades cuts. The thing about this spell is that until I release the spell, my blades can not harm anything. This is great for subduing someone instead of killing them outright. I have also been learning that I can imbue my blades with different forms of magical energy and release them with a slash. I almost destroyed the walls of he facility they were training me in. I also learned how to extend my blade so I can take a close range sword fight to a mid range fight and still be competent in the fight. My longer range weapons such as my bow can shoot almost through anything. They taught me a spell to shoot through magical barriers. I learned a spell to turn one arrow into a volley of a thousand arrows that can obliterate a large number of enemies.
They taught me how to enhance my eyesight so that I can see up to a couple of miles ahead of me as well as in the dark. This really helped with fighting at a longer range as well as enduring some the training they were putting me through in the cover of darkness. I learned that my wolf familiars sense of smells is very sharp and I can tap into our bond to enhance my sense of smell to be on their levels. My instructors would have us hunt down prey for a couple weeks to train how to flawlessly tap into my bond with my wolves to use their sense of smells. My bird familiars are the same as the wolves expect their eye sight is sharp. I can tap into our bonds to see through their eyes. This skills comes with the benefit of that they do not need to stay close to me and can fly off away from me. They are self sustaining so they don't use a lot of my magic as they exist. They're good for sending notes to others as well as for scouting out ahead of my current position. The two years of this training showed me what a meister really is capable of.

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