My Training

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    There were people form all schools of magic there. I met necromancers, druids, sparks, fey and many others. All with different approaches to magic and different morals of how to use their magic. For example necromancers have no problem with giving life to things that didn't have it or raising the dead which goes against those of us that believe in the laws of nature. Being a meister meant that I could summon different kinds of weapons and imbue them with magical abilities. The first two years of my training was spent strengthening my physical abilities first. This meant that I worked on increasing my stamina and physical fitness. They also spent some time during these two years training my senses to be better than they were. They focused on my sense of smell and sense of hearing mostly but found out ways to help the others.
The next year was spent training me in hand to hand combat. This year was grueling because the trainers were merciless in their training. They 'pulled their punches' but only so they didn't damage us beyond repair. This year was hard for me because I was raised by a healer and instructor that did not like violence. They also increased our dexterity, resilience and reflexes during this year. The first two years of training are done to all the kids who came to the school around the same time. This is because the training is universal. The next seven years are spent training separately because each school of magic has different approaches to teaching and learning magic. Another reason we are separated is because each kid has different sets of abilities in each school of magic.
I was told that I had such promise because out of the 39 kids that came in with me, I was one of the top three with immense promise. This meant that we would be a tested at the end of our training. I didn't know what the test was for nor how long I would be in training but by the end of the first two years I was nowhere near what I was when I started. When they took me from my home, I was a baby faced cheerful child. I believed in the good in everyone and I wanted to follow my mom's footsteps and become a healer. I didn't fight but would rather talk my way out of everything in life. This changed due to the intense training the school put us through. Now I am a cynical, snarky little devil. I also discovered that being a meister means that I love the thrill of fighting more than I should. I discovered this when the trainers picked those of us to be tested for passing onto the next stages of training.
The ones picked were a two guys named Stiles and Bain, two girls named Lydia and Allison and lastly myself. It was the five of us against 20 drones summoned by one of the proctors of the exam. Lydia and Stiles were the top brains in our group, Allison and Bain were the top fighters in the group and I was an all around type of person. The fight started with the drones charging at us with no hesitation in their movements, I remember centering myself and letting go as I charged at them myself. I remember people telling me that there was this demented smile on my face as the fight continued. I remember the feeling of my blood coursing through my veins and my heart pounding hard as I fought the drones. The thoughts I remember during the fighting consisted of wanting more but I have enough control to reel in the urge to go beyond what is needed.
The next phase in my training started off with being introduced to the different types of weapons that exist in our world. I didn't know that there was so many different weapons a meister can summon. They said that they wanted me to be able to not get accustomed to only one type of weapon or locked in one style of combat. To this end, they trained me in all types of weapons. They started with one-handed weapons that ranged from different types of swords, shields, guns and daggers. We would start with the strengths and weaknesses that each weapon had such as its general durability and its reach. We then would move on to getting my hands on the weapon of the month. The first weapon we started with was a sword. We worked with me moving around with the sword in my hands then working on basic fighting movements. Once I had the basics down, they would have me spar with someone until I mastered the sword. This went on for all one-handed weapons they wanted to teach me. They even took the time to teach me how to use them together such as a short sword and shield and a dagger and gun. I picked up the skills fairly quickly but I still suffered many injuries such as cuts, bruises and bullet wounds. There were many nights during these years that I cried myself to sleep because the healing wounds and the pain of the training were to much for me sometimes.
After this portion of weapons were done being trained they moved onto two-handed weapons. This category consisted of bow and arrows, spears, hammers, dual blades and many more dual styled weapons. This category explained why they taught me how to wield two weapons at once early on. The training was the same as the previous category which resulted in me being well versed in almost any weapon. This training lasted 3 years, which impressed my instructors because at the rate at which I was picking every up so they moved me on to the last phase of my training.

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