Chapter 11

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There is only one person who has ever called me Rosie and that was my best friend when I was a child, when I stilled lived here. Erik and I use to do everything together whether it was playing in the sand box, or climbing trees. Erik and I were friends since we were born. The only memories that I remember before I left for boarding school are with my friends because I don’t remember many memories of any family member before I left for boarding school.

"Erik?" I ask

"Yeah" he said

“Oh my gosh! Ii have misses you! Why did you change packs" I exclaim giving him a big hug. He chuckles and returns the hug before pulling away.

"Sebastian got kicked out and I came with him" he said

“Why did he get kicked out“ I ask curiously Erik is the most loyal person I know. It seems perfectly like him to follow his friend to a different pack. I just wonder why Sebastian got kicked out in the first place he was a little bit of a trouble maker but he wouldn’t do something purposely to get him kicked out.

"You will find out soon but Rosie, I want you to remember that not all of the people in your pack are good and some are not truthful either" he says before giving me a quick hug and turning to leave. "Oh, and Rosie the fire alarm might go off next block but there won’t be a fire and don't go in the hallway unless you want to end up on your ass" he says chuckling and leaving.

Staring at where Erik was just a second ago I think what could he possibly be up to? Still trying to think of what he could be up to I close my locker and go to science class. We have a ten minute break so I have lots of time before the bell and science class is almost right next to my locker. I get to science class and see that sapphire is in this class too. I walk over next to her and sit in the empty seat next to her.

"What's wrong, you have completely changed from the feisty, strong girl I knew to this" I say gesturing to her. "A little girl who is the opposite and who shows submission to anyone who asks for it" I continue. She takes a deep breath and turns to look at me.

"When my brother and dad get back everything is going to change, there will be so many more expectations and rules. I don't want to be that, I don't want to be the weak submissive alpha's daughter but if we don't we could get punished and I don't know what to do" she says with her eyes a little red. I give her a hug and whisper soothing words.

From what I remember that’s what they expect. The women are supposed to listen to every command and have kids. It’s sickening. The bell rings and the teacher comes in and starts her lesson on chemistry. The rest of class I see Sapphire really frightened and looking like she is not paying any attention. She must be worried the rest of her family and mine will be coming to school in almost ten minutes

I have a good feeling they don't get along with the other packs considering what Erik and his groups of friends said. When I began to here loud screeching noises and the sprinklers on the Celling went off I knew that Eric was right about the fire alarm going off and that my siblings and sapphire's brother was probable here.

Everyone quickly stood up and ran out of the room screaming ignoring the teachers protest. Me and sapphire casual walked over to the door to see a bunch of people on the floor or standing and rubbing their butts. From the amount of soap suds on the hallway I knew they would have had to put a lot of soap and water all through the hallways to get it slippery enough so people would actually be landing on their butts.

Eric and his pack members were leaning against the lockers laughing. One of them was even holding an empty soap bottle. Eric then looks over to me and winks; I shake my head and start laughing too.

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