Chapter 2

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I finally get to the principal’s office after what feels like forever of walking and worrying. I go to the front desk and see Mrs. Stevens, the person at the desk look up from her paperwork and nicely asks "Can I help you?"

"Umm... Yeah my teacher said I was called down to the office, my name is Rosemary Parker" I said "Ok you can just sit over there and the principle will come get you in a bit" she says pointing over to the chairs in the office. I go and sit down and wait and wait and wait and wait I look at my phone to check the time and see that there is only 15 more minutes till lunch. This is ridicules I have almost been here for a whole hour, I pretty much missed ditching class with sapphire, Lucas and Derek, lunch is in like 10 minutes and I am starving, great way to start a Friday. "Rosemary" Ms. Morgan's says as she comes out of her office “You can come in now"

Finally, I get up and head in to her office and sit down in a chair across from her desk as she sits down in her office chair. "I am just going to get right to the point if that's alright with you" she says and I nod relived that we can get right to the point so I can leave.

"There is a letter for you from your mom and Robert" she then hands over a letter for me to take, I hesitate for a second because seriously my mom and Rob never I mean never send me letters or anything of that kind, but I take it and open it and read.

Dear Rosemary

Rob and I have been thinking and we think that you should come home. We have booked you a plane ticket for you on Sunday morning at 10 AM. Your siblings Tyson and Grace are all much excited to see you and spend time with you. Tyson is doing an Amazing job, training to take over beta after Rob, when the time is right; he is also very good friends with the alpha's son. The alpha's daughter will be coming home from school too later that day she is the same age as you and maybe you guys will be friends. Grace has been working so hard in school, I am very proud of her. You might even find your mate here. I will be picking you up at the airport so see you soon.

From Rob and your Mother.

 I stare at the page for a moment not believing what I just read. Is she serious? she has not talked, texted, wrote a letter or anything since like grade 6 and now she just expect to play the parent roll and send me home and on the bright side she is pretty much bragging about how amazing my sibling are that is just fucking fantastic. Tyson is in grade twelve this year and grace is my age. Werewolf's can sense their mates when they have both turned fourteen and after their first shift, but I am sixteen and I have not found mine yet either has sapphire, or Adrian but Lucas and Derek have found theirs. Amy and Chloe who are both alphas’ daughters and are Lucas’s and Derek's mate. I want to find my mate and I don't, I do because I really want someone who I can trust like that and love like that but I don't because I am afraid that I will lose him and turn out like my mom. We used to be really close but after she lost my dad she was never the same. I then say thanks to Ms.Morgans and head to the cafeterias because the lunch bell did ring like 5 minutes ago. When I get there I head straight to the line for food and buy the usually a wrap, a water, and some grapes.

Then I head to the table on the side near the window that me, sapphire, Adrian, Lucas, Amy Lucas's mate, Derek and Derek's mate Chloe always sit at. I sit in between Adrian and Derek with Chloe beside him, Amy beside her, Lucas beside Amy and then Sapphire between Adrian and Lucas.

"Hey guys" I say

"Hey" they all replied at different times while they ate.

"What happened in the principal’s office? Did you get in trouble?" Sapphire said

“No, my mom sent me a letter"

They all turn and look at me in disbelief

"I know, the thing is that she said that she bought me a plane ticket for Sunday and that I have to come home"

"WHAT?" Lucas says

"Why?" Derek says

"She never sends you letters?" Amy says

"I don't know guys I just don't want to go but I know I have to which completely fucking sucks"

"Then it is official we have to do something amazing tomorrow" Lucas said with excitement growing on his face.

"But there is nothing to do here, the closest thing around here is your family's house which is 30 minutes away, the town which is 45 minutes and a big forest" Chloe said after taking her last bite of her sandwich and chugging the rest of her water.

"Then we should go running at around 12:00, then go clubbing, and sleepover at our place" Adrian said taking a sip of his ice tea

"Yeah! We have never went running together before it would be so fun" Lucas exclaimed a little too loudly for my likening "shhhhhhhh, everyone is staring at us now Lucas" I said

"Sorry" he said seating into his seat further.

"Ok, sounds good to me" Derek said

"Me too" sapphire said

"Me too but I don't want to go running so you guys can go and I will meet up with you when we go clubbing" I said with a smile

"Why?" Adrian said

I tried quickly coming up with an excuse that they will believe "I already went this morning"

"But you were sleeping when I got up; I even had to wake you up?" Sapphire said.

I and sapphire share a room together so and I was really tired last night from reading. Yeah I know I said reading, I am really obsessed with it.

"I got up really early and then went back to bed when I got back" I lied. But clearly they believed me because they let it go. "Okay we will go at 12 and then, we will pick you ladies up at 8" Adrian said

“Sounds good to me" sapphire said with a smile and excitement in her eyes

"Me too" I say happily

"Me three" Amy says

“Me four" says Chloe, with the bell going we all head to our last two classes of the day.

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