Chapter 6

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After I read sapphires’ note and ate some food, I head to my bedroom to pack all of my clothes and things. In the end there are two suitcases and a carry-on bag. I put them by the door and watch TV until 4:20 when I called for Chinese food for four people and waited for sapphire and the girls to get home.

"I AM HOOOOME." Saph yells from the door.

"I AM IN THE LIVING ROOM" I shout back. Two seconds later they come into the living room. Amy sits on my right, sapphire on my left and Chloe sits on the love seat.

"So how was the run?" I asked with a raised eyebrow looking at each of them in turn.

"You are not going to believe what we saw!" Saph says clearly forgotten that I was not here when she got up this morning.

"What?" I can see the excitement and fear in all of their eyes

"A pure white wolf" Chloe says

"What? Really?" I say hoping I looked surprised, which apparently I did.

"Yeah, it was just like starring at us then it bolted for the school" Amy said lucky for me before anyone can respond someone knocks at the door.

 “I will get it, it’s probable the food anyways" I said. Thank god for the food otherwise I would be stuck talking to them about the whole white wolf thing. I open the door get the food, pay the man money and head back to the room.

"Foods here" I say

"Thank god! I am starving" Saph says

After we finishes eating Chloe and Amy go back to their room to get ready and my and sapphire each get ready in our own bathrooms. It’s about 6 which means we have about two hours to get ready.

I have a shower which takes up most of my time. When I am out of the shower I put my hair up in a towel and wrap my body with a towel and put my makeup on. Neural eye shadow that sparkles a little, eyeliner, mascara, and Chapstick.

I walk in to my room and grab my dress from my bed and slip it on. It is a black dress that is long-sleeved on one arm and the other one is bear. It has an open back and shows part of one of my hips. It’s decently tight but I can still move and dance in it and it goes to my mid-thigh.

Lastly all I have to do is straighten my hair. Maybe I should try out my and Dominic's mind link, he marked me, so it should be working.


"Rose? Yes my darling what's up?"

"I was wondering if you want to come clubbing with us, and if you think we should tell everyone were mates. Have you seen Adrian, Derek, or Lucas yet?"

"What? You’re going clubbing with who?" he says nicely but I can tell he is getting a little protective, which is cute.

"Just the gang you know sapphire, Adrian, Amy, Lucas, Derek, and Chloe"

"Oh, who are Amy and Chloe?"

"I am guessing you haven't taking to any of your sibling yet, have you?"

"No, I saw mom, dad and Lacey but Adrian, Lucas, and Derek were out when I got home and I have been in my room all day"

"Are you bored? Do you want some company? Chloe is Derek's mate and Amy is Lucas's mate they are both alphas’ daughter and are really nice and good friends of mine.

“What? Really? I am so proud of them. And yes I would love some company right now; actually I would love your company in particular. There are so many things we could be doing right now"

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