"You guys can get settled in. I'm wasn't sure if you and y/n were sharing a room or not but I assumed you were." Jin says who stands at Namjoon's side.

"I don't want to hear them having sex all night long. You should give them separate rooms." Soo-hyun quickly interrupts.

"Absolutely not." Jungkook says, his voice stern.

"It isn't fair to the rest of us to have to hear that." Soo-hyun says and I shake my head.

"Trust me, you don't have to worry about it." I say and Jungkook looked over at me and frowned, catching on to what I meant.

Soo-hyun looked over at me then at Jungkook. "Trouble in paradise, huh? Sorry to see the relationship end so suddenly." She says.

"It's not ending. Don't be an idiot." Jungkook says, his voice defensive.

"You're the idiot." Soo-hyun says and Jungkook glares at her and shoots back with a "I hate her."

"That's enough, you guys. Y/n and Jungkook are engaged, of course they'll be sharing a room." Yoongi says.

I look up at Jungkook who's eyes land on Yoongi the down at me.

"Lets go." Jungkook says before grabbing my luggage for me.

"I can carry it." I say but Jungkook is already halfway up the steps.

I huff as I follow him to the room, leaving everyone to watch us disappear into the bedroom and shut the door behind us.

"Will you be okay here with her?" I ask, looking over at Jungkook who set the suit cases down with a loud huff.

"She's a menace. I swear if I was a girl I would have gotten into a fight with her." Jungkook says, practically steaming.

I walk over to Jungkook and wrap my arms around him. "Just don't let her get to you. Besides, the only girl you need to worry about is me." I say.

Jungkook looks up, his eyes meeting mine. His features soften as he leans forward and pulls me to him.

"I love you." He says, his eyes on mine. I smile as I look down at his lips.

"I love you too." I reply as I lean forward and peck his lips. Jungkook grabs ahold of my face, keeping me close.

He slid his tongue over my bottom lip, teasing me, testing to see if I wanted more.

I gladly gave him the access he wanted, the perfect opportunity to French kiss me.

When Jungkook pulled away he brought his hand up, running his thumb over my slightly swollen bottom lip.

"While we're here, please be cautious. Anything could happen at anytime and I need you to be safe." Jungkook says, his eyes on mine.

I nod as I grab Jungkook's hand, holding it in mine.

"I'll protect you, y/n. I swear." Jungkook says, the look in his eye full of many emotions as his thumb moved to run gently over my engagement ring.

"I believe you." I say, my eyes never once leaving his.

Jungkook smiled as he leaned forward, hugging me tightly.

"I'll never let anything bad happen to you ever again. I love you." Jungkook says softly.

I smile as his words soften my heart. "I love you too, Jungkook."

Oh boy did I mean it too.



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