"Time!" Carter yelled opening the door. I moved so that my back was pressed against the wall. Running i jumped after Carter, rolling to the ground laughing with Dana as we got up to run leading the rest of Dauntless. The other factions were staring at us in admiration (Abnegation) and annoyance (Amity). Well Amity can fuck themselves. Erudite looked at in pure jealousy. I smirked at them as I slowed my pace. Lastly Candor, well they couldn't care less about us. "Guys I am so excited!" Carter yelled as loud as he could. We all knew what we were going to choose. "I'm gonna be Dauntless for life!" We all clapped and cheered. Something caught my ear though.

"So all the food we don't get, you give to the Factionless?" A Candor boy asked rudely to a group of Abnegation teens. They all nodded their heads frantically. "Your lying! Why are you lying to me?" He yelled at them. I walked over to the conflict aware of all the factions eyes on me. I shoved through the group of Abnegations.

"Hey!" I shouted at the boy. He looked down at me and smirked. "Why are you messing with them? We all know the truth. The food don't get, goes to the Factionless." Turning around to look at everyone. "Isn't that true?!" I yelled to them. they all nodded and shouted yes's back. "Now what makes you think they would lie, when all they do is help people?" I asked turning back to the tall boy. He stood there stunned and speechless. His short, curly, brown hair moved lightly in the breeze. "Nothing to say? How about you go back to your faction and we forget about this." He nodded and walked away. the Abnegation boys standing behind me stared as I made my way back to Dauntless. Cheers and howls erupted from my faction in praise.

"So who's ready for this mother fucker?!" Nick asked, I cheered in response along with the others. Through the faces of everyone I caught a glimpse of my baby brother Lucas. He was standing there laughing and looking nervous. Michael looked calm but I could see he was scared.


We stood only about 5 feet apart from each other. All standing in front of a door. Looking around I saw I placed next to Lucas and Carter. The door in front of me was a pale colour and cold to the touch. I opened the door and walked in taking a deep breath.

"Take a seat." A familiar voice said. Looking to the person I saw him. He stood there in his gray clothes. His blonde hair placed neatly on his head. His tall, muscular structure towering over me. I gasped and tried to hide my smile. He looked over at me, and smiled at me. I walked quickly to him and hugged him. " I missed you so much." He said to me.

"I missed you too, Ben." My second oldest brother had chosen Abnegation while Jack had chosen Erudite. I sat down in the chair as he handed me a blue liquid. "What is this?"

"Drink it." He said. I did as told and swallowed all of it. The had changed. I was alone with nothing else in the room.Standing I walked over to the mirror. the room changed again. It was filled with mirrors, my reflection in all of them. One reflection didn't move. It turned to me.

"Choose." It said. I was confused as to what it meant.

"What? What do you mean?" It gestured to six pedestals. Three held meat while the other three had knives.

"Choose, before its too late." Looking back at the reflection and then at the pedestals. the objections were gone, along with the reflection. A low growl came from behind me. Spinning on my heels I was met with a very angry dog. It ran towards me and leaped. I ducked as the unexpected happened. The dog whimpered. Looking up, the dog had changed into a puppy. "Awww! A puppy!" A girl dressed in Amity clothes cooed. The growl came again the puppy turned back into a dog. The little girl ran in fear as the dog chased her. Quickly I jumped to my feet and launched myself on the dog before it reached the girl. The dog and I both fell through the floor. My eyes opened as Ben shook me awake.

"Get up! Your going out the back door." Ben hissed quietly. "Come on lets go." I got and was pushed to the back of the room, Bens hands on my shoulders.

"Wait what were my results?" I asked. He ignored me and spoke urgently.

"Look go home and tell Lucas that the test made you sick." He said before hugging me and kissing the top of my head. I asked again and he looked toward the door I came in from, then back at me. "Your results were Dauntless." I smiled, but was still confused. "And Erudite, and Candor. Your results were in conclusive. I manually put in Dauntless, so if anyone asks you received Dauntless."

"What does that mean?" I prayed in my head that it didn't mean what I thought. He took a deep breath before looking me in the eyes. His grip tightened. Fear in his eyes.

"Lacey, your Divergent."


A/N: Tell me what you think so far!

P.S. The picture on the side is of Lacey!

Thanks loves!

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