"Who are you?" He growls and my knees weaken at the sound of his voice. How is it possible for someone to sound so delicious? "Why did you kill my Gamma?" He growls again in that sensual voice of his.

I take a step closer to him and his intoxicating pine scent surrounds me. I almost groan at how good he smells. It's bothering me so much that his face is hidden in the shadows, but I try to push my thoughts to the side. Pull yourself together, Cyra!

I take another step forward warily, hiding the pocket knife behind my back. "Oh was he your Gamma? I'm sorry for your loss. I just found him as I stepped outside for some air." I let loose a few sniffles for dramatic effect and smile innocently. I see his shoulders loosen as he lets his guard down.

"You're female?" He asks, obviously surprised.

"Wow, figured that all out on your own, did you? Want a gold star?"

He growls in anger and I realize it probably wasn't the best idea to taunt him. The tequila is definitely still in my system.

He launches himself at me and I start running at fast as I can down the alley. Halfway down the alley, I jump to the side out of his path.

Before he can slow his momentum to turn, I jab out my arm, stabbing him in the side and twisting it into his wound. It's a small knife, but luckily he collapses to the ground while groaning in pain. I know it won't keep him down long though. It may take an hour for him to heal completely, but werewolves have incredible endurance, even when they're in pain.

I quickly jump on top of him, straddling him and keeping the blade against his throat. There's no way he can heal from a slit throat. I lean down, trying to look into his face hidden by a hood.

All I can glimpse through the shadows are glowing green eyes are flickering with gold so I know he must be struggling to hold his wolf in. My wolf has been strangely quiet this whole time, but now she won't shut up about how good this male smells.

I struggle to push her to the back of my mind so I can concentrate. "Who are you?" He asks me again.

Ah well, it won't do any harm to tell him my name. As soon as I kill him I'll be out of this shitty town anyway. "Cyra Farhadi, at your service." I salute him with the hand not pressing the knife to his throat.

"You're a rogue," he accuses me.

I roll my eyes at this male constantly stating the obvious. "No shit, Sherlock." He snarls back at me, his eyes almost completely turning molten gold. "Now, are you going to tell me your name or am I going to have to come up with one for you?"

He stays silent. I start listing some names off my fingers that I know will piss him off. "Let's see, you're totally a Billy? No? Barry? Marty?" He glares at me furiously. "I've got it! You must be Dick! Get it, cause you're a huge dick?"

He seriously looks like he wants to punch me now. "Look Dick," I sigh, "I'm sorry to be breaking up this blooming friendship early, but I've really gotta kill you now. So if you stay still, I'm sure things will be a lot less messy and a lot more comfortable for you."

His eyes grow wide in panic. "What? You can't kill me!"

I grin at him, watching him eye my bloodstained teeth. "Watch me, asshole." I press the blade even harder against him, letting blood drip down his neck.

Suddenly, my wolf pushes herself to the surface of my mind. Rarely, if ever, do our wolves actually communicate with us through words. It takes too much effort, they're too primitive for that. Usually, we stay in touch with our wolves through their emotions, that's how we know what they're thinking.

"No," she howls, "Mate!"

I pause pushing the knife against the male's throat as I absorb what she just said. Dick can't be my mate! Wouldn't the bond have kicked in by now? The male under me senses my moment of apprehension and in a split second I'm under him with the blade pressed to my throat.

As he presses his rock hard body against me, I try to ignore the lustful thoughts running through my head. I look up at his face that's finally visible.

Damn. Soft, messy black hair frames a face with a jawline sharp enough to cut glass. Long lashes fan across his high cheekbones, and god his lips, his perfect pink, plush lips look so kissable right now.

I reach my hand up and trail it along his jaw, feeling tingles spread throughout my body.

I look up into his golden eyes and he stares back at me, his eyes darkening with lust.

"Mine," he growls.

"Hello there, mate." I smirk up at him, licking the blood dripping from my lips.

Somehow, he finds that sexy and he smashes his lips against mine, knocking the breath out of me again.

As the taste of him fills my mouth, I moan in ecstasy, and he growls even lower. I wrap my legs around his hips, pushing myself as close to him as possible. My wolf is going crazy right now, showing me obscene images of us together.

And currently, I'm inclined to agree with her. The male groans against my mouth and heat floods me at the intensity of his touch. Abruptly, he pulls away from the kiss and I bring my mouth up to meet his again. Instead, he grips my head in his hands, and I'm in such a lust filled daze I don't even see it coming

"I'm sorry," he whispers, before slamming my head down onto the pavement and everything goes black.


Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed it, please comment and vote! 

xx Laur

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