I'm so glad I have a friend like Kevin, he can always make me laugh but he also knows when I just need to be all mopey.

I walk next door and pull out my keys. I take a deep breath.

Kevin: I'm here, everything will be fine. He says soothingly. I nod my head and twist the key.

The door unlocked and we both walk in. As I approached the stairs Sweet Pea came out of no where. He had a worried look on his face.

Sweet Pea: where the hell have you been? I've been worried all nig- I cut him off. I didn't want to see him let alone hear his voice.
Betty: don't. I say angrily to him.
Sweet Pea: Bet- He began to say before Kevin cut him off.
Kevin: I swear to god if you don't shut that pretty little face of yours, it won't be so pretty anymore. Got it? He says while pushing past my brother and taking us upstairs.

This isn't the first time Kevin has threatened my brother, Kevin's probably working on his fortieth threat by now. I think Sweet Pea is a little scared of him to be honest.

We walked into my room and I took a seat on my make up chair while he sat on my bed.

I quickly apply some concealer under my eyes. Instantly making me look so, so much better.

Kevin: come on blondie, let's go, don't want to miss any of the hot pieces of meat running around the field. You know it rained last night. He says with a dirty smirk. We both had dirty thoughts running through our minds.

He linked his arm with mine and we walked downstairs, forgetting about Sweet Pea, the only thing on our minds were the soon to be muddy men running around the field.

We stepped into his car and we made our way to school. We walked to the oval and found ourselves some seats. All of Riverdale gathers together when ever there is a game on. It's something I love about this town, but it unfortunately meant Sweet Pea and the other Serpents that witnessed what happened yesterday night were here. I'm not ready to face any of them. I just wanted to be surrounded by my three best friends.

The game began to start. They started announcing the teams and some other boring stuff that me and Kevin never listen to.

Kevin: let the rating and admiring begin. He says with a smirk. I smirk as well.

Kevin's jacket was on my lap as I was cold and Kevin didn't want his jacket, as he says it will stop him from rating the men to his best ability.

Kevin is such a funny and caring guy. I don't know what I'd do without him.

Kevin: number 10 on the opposite team, definitely a 6/10. Beautiful long blond hair. I'm guessing he has blue eyes. He has muscles so I'd say he's a bit dumb, basically only knows sport. He say to me like this is the most serious thing.

For the rest of the game that's all that Kevin did. He told me his score and his reason, if I ever disagreed, which was rare, I'd voice my opinion and he'd clarify a few things. In the end he was always right, I have no idea how he always convinces me.

Kevin has never had the honour of rating the team that the Bulldogs were playing. So this was a great opportunity to browse through the new handsome and muscular men. The eye candy this game was at its strongest.

There were so many people to look at this game. Kevin and I were overwhelmed at picking out our favorite guy this game. Another weird thing me and Kevin do, we pick out the hottest guy on field.

The game had come to an end and the Bulldogs had won.

Betty: okay so who was your favourite this game? I asked him.
Kevin: definitely player 21. His short brown hair, the abs. I couldn't ask for a better looking man. How about you?
Betty: 100% player 9. The way his blonde hair flys around was so hypnotising. I'm mesmerised. We both let out a sigh, knowing we'll never see these men again.

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