|| chapter two

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The seven males all watched you from their lunch table, ignoring the girls that were flirting with them as they didn't know why but they wanted you to pay attention to them and not having around with BM. They'd watch you giggle and laugh everytime BM doesn't or tell you something. And it honestly messed with them a little. But they tried to ignore it since this is your first day here and you just want to make friends.

You stood up from your seat. "Gotta go wash my hands real quick" You said seeing Matthew nod his head as you left the classroom not knowing the seven males were following you. You entered the bathroom and washed your hands, you then heard the door opening and didn't think much of it but once you heard the door lock, you instantly looked up before rolling your eyes grabbing a paper towel to dry your hands.

"What is this? Some type of kidnapping?" You said with sarcasm full and clear in your sentence made some chuckle. "Why do you hate us so much?" A male said that was kinda shorter than rest of them. "I don't hate you guys, just don't want no bodyguards, simple as that so can I go now?" You said in a tone of boredom. "Nope, anyways, I'm seokjin the oldest" Seokjin said as you looked at him before nodding your head.

"I'm Yoongi, second oldest", "Hi cutie, I'm jimin", "Taehyung", " Hoseok is my name, but I prefer j-hope" You snorted softly. "More like J-Hoe" You said giggling softly, quickly stopping once you seen him staring at you. "I'm Jungkook the youngest", " And I'm Namjoon, the leader of this group, bts or bangtan sonyeondan" You nodded your head. "You guys already know me, so now that we're done with our little meet n greet, can I leave now, I feel like BM is eating my food" You said earning small sigh from Seokjin.

"Fine, but can you at least talk to us?" You looked at him confused. "We're talking right now?" You said in a duh tone. "You know what I mean [name]" Seokjin said in a soft stern voice taking a step towards you made you feel smaller than you already are. You gulped softly as you looked at seokjin. "Yes sir" You softly said making them startled a bit before regaining their composer.

Seokjin held back a blush and gave you a small smile. "Good boy" He said softly and petted your head made you blush. "O-okay I have to go!" You quickly said, unlocking the door and quickly made your way out the boys restroom. Bangtan exhaled deeply. "Damn that was cute" Yoongi said running a hand through his hair.


You let out a soft sigh making your way through the halls, since you were on free period, you decided to go to the library. But one thing is, you didn't know where it is, but that didn't stop you from walking though. Well that was until you caught sight of Namjoon. You rolled your eyes not wanting to but you needed directions. "Hey dimple boy!" You called out to Namjoon making him turn around to you.

You walked up to him. "Know where the library at?" You asked quickly as he nodded his head. "Yeah just down the halls from here" You nodded your head and was about to walk off but Namjoon gripped on your wrist pulling a little towards him. "No thanks?" He said chuckling softly. "Thanks dimple boy" You said slipping out of his grip and quickly headed straight to the library not knowing your seven bodyguards were following.

Once you entered the library you admired how spacious it was and knew you were going to be in here for most of time here in school. You made your way to the book sections, manga and got a couple. You saw a manga book that caught your interest, but it was a little too high for you. You got on your tippy toes and almost had it but it seems like someone else had grabbed it. "Hey I saw it fir-holy Mother of God's" You said turning around meeting face to face with a fairly handsome male. You blushed a little and looked away from the taller male. "Here you go buddy" The male said hand in you the book as you thanked him softly before quickly to a empty spot in the corner of the library and sat down and began to read your manga books.


You had accidentally fell asleep on reading your eighth book while bangtan sat in the seats at the table you were sitting at while reading some other book. Seokjin came back from putting up the books you had picked out and looked at his watch before crouching beside you, shaking your shoulder softly. "[Name] wake up, free period is almost over" Seokjin said to you softly earning soft mumbled from you. "Daddy tamaki forever" You mumbled as it made them chuckle softly.

After a few tries Seokjin finally got you up. "BM is eating your snacks" That made you quickly sit up grabbing the nearest thing, seokjins hair. "You fucking fat bi-" Jimin being next to you, quickly clamped his hand over your mouth, then took it off quickly once feeling you bite his finger. "Why are you guys here?" You asked yawning softly, still holding onto seokjins hair while he just stayed there waiting. "Can you let go now?" He said softly making you look at him confused until you finally realized you were gripping on his hair and had let go.

"Sorry seokjin" You said, kinda felt bad as you brought his face closer out of habit to rub the spot where you grabbed his hair a softly rubbed it. "No I'm fine" Seokjin answered holding back a blush by clearing his throat a little.

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