Chapter 6 - Hidden

Start from the beginning

“So why am I freezing?” I asked to both of us. Just on cue I felt something heavy being draped over me but it was certainly warm and irresistibly soft with a manly fragrant which was surprisingly pleasant.

“Better?” I looked up to see Dimitri by my side and both I and Molly had stopped walking unintentionally now. I let my arms enter the two holes leading to the sleeves and brushed my hair out of under the jacket. He's been less jerky and more nicer being here than back home so I suppose some good came out of this.

 “Sometimes I wonder if you’re even a vampire at all” Dimitri joked but I could tell there was some seriousness behind it.

Dimitri thinks about me. He said he wonders about me sometimes! Sometimes is a lot. But why would he think about me? But why does he think I might not even be a vampire? Ouch! Too many questions for today.

“What do you mean?” I asked zoning back in and saw Molly and Dimitri were a few steps ahead so I ran to catch up with them.

“Well you don’t like drinking blood, and vampires are all cold blooded but the way you feel too hot or too cold makes me think that you’re warm blooded and if you are warm blooded then you’re not a vampire but then you have the fangs but not the pale skin so yeah” He finished off.

I never thought of myself like that. What else does he know about me? I always thought Dimitri as a self-centred jerk that cares for nobody but himself which is why he’s always so moody and whenever he’s happy is a rare moment like seeing an eclipse. 

I realised this had also got Molly thinking. About the possibility that I’m not a vampire. But if I’m not a vampire, then what am I? I’ve always been told that I’m a vampire and that I was born a vampire.

“Anyway what are you two doing out here?” Dimitri slipped his hands into his pockets after readjusting his hair to the side.

“Could ask you the same thing” Molly smirked as Dimitri rolled his eyes. She didn’t want Dimitri knowing what she was actually doing out here and Dimitri didn’t want her to know either but they would both probably say they came out for a stroll or something.

“And what’s up with you? Ever since you’ve got here you’ve been quieter than usual and it’s pretty intimidating because you haven’t snapped at anyone yet for three days” He added looking directly at me which sent shivers down my spine. I don’t know if they were negative or positive shivers though because I couldn’t tell if I liked it or not.

“Oh” Was all I managed to say. Right now I feel like Dimitri knows me better than I know myself and I don’t know why that is.

 Once I’d finished taking in the sights off the ground I noticed that Dimitri had disappeared.

“Where’d Dimitri go?” I blurted out accidently. Molly motioned her head to a door on the side to say that he’d gone back inside. 

“Here we are” Molly stopped in front of a white wall that was a sort of hidden corner because you could easily just walk past it blindly.

“So what was that other white wall behind the staircase?” I asked confused as Molly just walked the wall pulling me through.

“Oh that was just painted white last month because there was some stains on there that weren’t coming off” She informed. That didn't explain the key hole but I argued whether to leave it or not and settled on leaving it. For now.

“Watch out for the steps” She reminded flicking on a light switch and made her way down the stairs.

“Can’t anyone just walk in here?” I questioned once we had reached the bottom.

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