Chapter 2:

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Kurt walked up to his dorm with a newly found bounce in his step. He unlocked the door to find Marvin laying on his bed, reading.

"Hey Marv!" Kurt cheered. Marvin looked up from his book, annoyed that Kurt had interrupted.

"Hi Kurt."

"Guess what!"


"I made the cut!" Kurt clapped. Marvin finally looked up from his book and a smile danced on his dark grey skin.

"Congratulations Kurt! You'll love it. It's so much fun." he clapped.

"Thanks Marv." Kurt beamed. Then Kurt yawned. "Well, it's been a long day. I think I'm gonna hit the hay." He quickly slipped off his blazer and dress pants and slipped on a dark grey t-shirt and white sweat pants. He slipped underneath the covers and fell asleep.

*                                   *                                *

The next day seemed to drag on a lot longer than Kurt had hoped. All he could think about was Glee club at the end of the day. He couldn't wait to rehearse with the Warblers for the first time.

When the time came, he rushed to the Dalton Academy choir room. He was ten minutes early and the first one there. Kurt sat down on a comfortable, dark grey chair. He texted his dad about how his day had gone. Three minutes later a boy with extremely light grey hair, almost white walked in. Kurt immediately stood up, nearly knocking over the chair and rushed to shake his hand.

"Hi! I'm Kurt Hummel."

"Hi. I'm Jeff Browne. You must be the new kid everyone's talking about." Jeff smiled.

Kurt was confused. Everyone's talking about me? "That's me." He said instead.

In walked another boy. He was shorter than Jeff and had jet black hair. Kurt shook his hand. "Hi! I'm Kurt Hummel."

"Nice to meet you Kurt. I'm Nick Wilson." Nick walked over to Jeff and wrapped his arm around his waist. They walked together to a love seat couch and snuggled close to each other. (Neff!)

In walked three more boys. One was Asian and had dark hair. Kurt recognized this to be Wes. Another was shorter and was a little chubbier and had light grey hair. The third was tall and had dark grey hair and medium dark grey skin.

"Hi Wes! Thank you so much for letting me join the Warblers."

"My pleasure." he smiled.

Kurt greeted the second one. "Hi, I'm Kurt Hummel."

"I'm Trent Stewart."

"Hi I'm Kurt." Kurt turned to the last Warbler to enter the room.

"I'm Thad Abel."

A final group of Warblers entered the room and Kurt introduced himself to them all. He recognized Marvin, who smiled at him. As they all settled, Wes and a few of the other Warblers took their seats behind a big wooden desk. Everyone quieted after Wes rapped his gavel a few times. Why is a gavel necessary? Kurt wondered. Kurt took a seat next to Jeff and Nick, who were holding hands.

"Attention!" Wes called out. "First things first! Unfortunately Blaine couldn't make it today and is sad he had to miss the first rehearsal but promises to be here tomorrow. Second off, let's give a round of applause to our newest Warbler--Kurt Hummel!" Everyone cheered and clapped for Kurt. Kurt felt his face get warm. He smiled. "After auditioning 45 different boys for this position, Kurt was the only one we wanted. He's very talented." I'm the only one they chose? After 45 people? Kurt wondered.

"Next, we have a new competitor this year. Word has it that we're going to meet our match. The William McKinley High Glee Club. If we work hard, I wouldn't be worried. They're rookies so that gives us an advantage. We've been at this game for a while now."

"Back to Kurt. I know that you guys don't know just how talented he is so I was wondering if you would sing something for us?" All eyes turned to Kurt. His face flushed a darker grey.

"Um, uh, I-I guess s-sure." Kurt stammered. He pulled a CD out of his bag next to his chair and walked up to the CD player and handed it to Thad. He stood in front of the room as he started to sing.

"'Bout twenty years ago way down in New Orleans,
A group of fellers found a new kind of music.
An' they decided to call it
No other sound had what this music has.
Before they new it, it was whizzin' 'round the world.
The world was ready for a blue kind of music,
An' now they play it from Steamboat Springs to La Paz.
There is a story that began in New Orleans,
About this lady who discovered this music.
She fell completely in love with
Le Jazz Hot, baby,
'Cause I love my jazz, hot!
Before they knew it, it was whizzin' 'round the world.
The world was ready for a blue kind of music,
An' now they play it from Steamboat Springs to La Paz.Won't you play me,
Jazz hot, baby,
Don't, let, it, end!
I tell ya friend, it's really somethin' to
I tell ya friend, it's really somethin' to
I can't sit still when there's that
Rhythm near me.
'Cause I love my jazz, hot!
When you play me Le Jazz Hot, baby
You're holdin' my soul together
Don't know whether it's mornin' or night,
Only know it's soundin' right
So come on in and play me
Le Jazz Hot, baby,
'Cause I love my Jazz Hot
Love, jazz,
Le Jazz Hot!"

When Kurt finished, everyone stood up and cheered. They hoot and hollered. It was a standing ovation. Kurt grinned.

"Kurt! That was amazing!" He heard someone say.

"Wow so talented!"

"You weren't kidding Wes!"

"He's going to give Blaine a run for his money!"

Kurt really wanted to meet this Blaine guy. He sounded like a Rachel.

"Thank you, Kurt." Wes smiled once everyone calmed down and Kurt had returned to his seat. "We need to start thinking about our set list for Sectionals. If we plan to beat Vocal Adrenaline and the New Directions at regionals, we have a lot of work ahead of us." Everyone cheered and Kurt smiled.

Maybe he would make friends here.


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