"That's for sure." I replied with a smile.

Chris and I continued our walk towards the entrance of the airport, surprisingly we didn't get stopped once. Once we reached the entrance doors, a black sedan pulled up, and the driver quickly got out and opened the back passenger side door for us. Chris curtly nodded at the driver as I gave him a thoughtful thank you, whilst we got into the car. 

Finally the driver got back into the car, and asked a quick question. "Ritz-Carlton, Sir?"

"That would be correct, thank you." Chris replied with a smile.

The drive from LAX to the Ritz-Carlton was about 20 minutes long. When we arrived paparazzi were already swarming the place, apparently they knew that we were staying there. As soon as we exited the car, Chris grabbed my hand and we quickly walked past the paparazzi, trying to avoid confrontations and pictures. When we finally made it to the lobby desk, Chris conversed with the lobby desk clerk. "Name please?" The desk clerk asked professionally.

"Chris Evans." Chris replied, looking at me with a smile.

"Okay, Sir. It seems that you have booked Ritz-Carlton Suite for today Feburary 1st, until Feburary 15th, is this correct?" The desk clerk asked, with a fake smile.

"Correct." Chris replied.

"Okay, I'll have someone escort you to your room, and your luggage will be up within 5 minutes." The desk clerk said, as she picked up the desk phone and called someone to show us to our room. Soon after, a short blonde probably 4 years younger than me greeted us. "Hello, I'm Mandy, I'll be showing you to your room." She said with a plastered on smile.

We walked behind her towards the lobby elevator, when we got into the elevator she pressed the button with the number 25 on it. Apparently we would be staying on the 25th floor. Soon after the elevator made it to our floor, we walked to a set of white double doors. Mandy briskly stuck the room key-card into the door, and the green light flashed showing that the door was now unlocked. She opened the door, and I was astonished by what I saw inside the suite. 

The suite was beautiful, it was one of the prettiest suites I had ever been in. It was a huge, and it was decorated in browns, grays, and creme colors. It was breathtaking to say the least. The whole suite consisted of a bedroom with a king sized bed, a dining room, a family type lounging room, a dressing room with a two large closets, and a huge bathroom. After giving us a quick tour of the suite, Mandy left.  "Natalie are you okay?" Chris asked with a concerned look on his face.

"Yeah, I've just never stayed in such a nice suite before." I stated blushing from embarrassment.

"You better get used to it." Chris said as he gave me a genuine smile.

"I guess I should..." I said just to be cut off by Chris.

"You will, it just takes a little time, It took me forever to get used to it." Chris said, engulfing me in a hug, whilst giving me a kiss on my forehead.

"I'm going to start getting situated, and take a nice bath in the soaking tub?" I stated with a questioning tone, wondering what Chris would do while I was doing my things.

"I would join you, but I have a meeting with the cast and crew." Chris said with a smirk. 

"I wish you could..." I replied with a slight smirk and a taunting tone.

"Don't make me miss my meeting." Chris said with a smile, as he gave me a kiss on the lips and made his way towards the suite door.

"Bye, I love you." I said, as I blew him a kiss.

"I love you too, see you later." Chris said, and with that left the suite.


Dear Readers,

Thank you guys so much for reading the story, and I hope you're enjoying it. I plan on either updating later today, or tomorrow evening, I hope that's okay with you guys? Once again, if any of you have any suggestions as far as the story goes, or you would like me to put something in the story, please message me, or comment.  I am also thinking about having a contest for a new character in the book that would be Natalie's best friend, basically all you will need to do if you're interested, is comment or message me your name, description, and your age or how old you want to be. 

Thank you, for all the votes and comments, they really mean a lot to me.

-XOXO, Nicole.

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