Chapter 14

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~Ink's POV~

Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod! I can't believe I'm actually doing this, is this real life? What if this is just a dream? I hope I never wake up if that's the case. 

Right now, I was kissing my month-long crush... and she was kissing back. 

It was very hesitant at first, we've both never kissed anyone who was a different species. Hell, I've never kissed anyone. Eventually, it was starting to get more passionate. I've never felt this much emotion before...

It only lasted a few seconds but I swear I felt something more for her, that I didn't just "like" her, I felt love. I know I did. The feeling was taken away when she pulled away taking a deep intake of air.

I opened my eye sockets, not even realizing I had closed them. She was a flustered sweaty mess, but she still looked adorable in my eyes. 

She looked away from me shyly, twiddling with a strand of hair that had fallen onto her face. I could still see the small smile on her face, though.

The silence was starting to get a bit awkward, what the hell do you say after a kiss? 

"Was that your first, y'know?" She asked almost silently, only turning slightly in my direction.

"Y-Yeah." I answered with a small stutter, I couldn't stop thinking of how good it felt.

"Well, you're- uh- really g-good at it despite not having lips." She stammered, her blush growing even more until it was like a strawberry. If she had green hair I wouldn't be able to tell the difference. (If you do have green hair then he thinks you look like a strawberry)

"T-Thanks, y-you're really g-good at it t-too." I was stuttering more than Error did when he glitched out. I internally face palmed, like how I always do when I talk to her and say something dumb.

She smiled brightly and was actually facing me now, occasionally looking up at me through her hair which had almost completely covered her face.

"U-Uhm, do you... want to- uh- go somewhere?" I hesitantly asked her, I've never been on a date either... I live a sad life.

"Where to?" She replied with her own question.

"I was thinking maybe... Waterfall?" Was I actually asking her on a date?

"Sure, sounds fun." She agreed with a small blush and smile.

"I'm gonna go get ready... I'm a mess." She added while heading to the stairs.

"Alright." I watched her go up to her room, my eyes glancing down at her b- I quickly looked back up with a rainbow blush dashed across my face. What was wrong with me?

I sighed deeply and slouched down on the couch, so much had happened in just a few hours.

First, Y/n had that timeline jump. Second, we almost kissed. Third, she gets kidnapped. Fourth, I made friends with Error and she made a soul pact for me. Fifth, we actually kissed. Finally, I'm about to go on a date with her. All of this in a span of at least 8 hours. It feels like it's been a week though.

I heard footsteps going down the stairs and I perked up to see Y/n in the most adorable outfit.

I heard footsteps going down the stairs and I perked up to see Y/n in the most adorable outfit

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