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I finally grew out my white hairs, and now they're gone!

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I finally grew out my white hairs, and now they're gone!

Likes: 40 Coments: 24


Bruce_Wayne: Are you drunk in this picture?

Toddie123: I am a grown man! I can be drunk if I want to!

Bruce_Wayne: You can't fight crime and be drunk at the same time!

Toddue123:SHUT UP DAD!

Bruce_Wayne: Did you just call me Dad?

TimTechSupport: RIP Jason's Badass White Streaks. Press F for respects.

DamiisCute: F

DickieBird: F

Babs: F

Brownie: F

DukeOfDukes: F


Toddie123: THE F*CK!?!

Cassandra: F

Toddie123: CASS NOT YOU TOO!

TimTechSupport: Maybe you should've kept the white hairs.

Toddie123: F*CK YOU TIM!

TimTechSupport: That's Connor's job.

DamiisCute: TF!?

Toddie123: WHAT THE HELL TIM!?!

Bruce_Wayne: When did you plan on telling me that you where having sex?

DickieBird: Don't forget to use protection! :D

TimTechSupport: God that was a joke....

TimTechSupport: Note to self. Never joke around you guys.

Howdy! Tis me! The author of this story! I've decided to continue the book, because honestly... it's fun to write this stuff! Anywho! Tootles! Also shameless advertising, but I've got a new book called Four Birds of A Bat! The name will probably change though once I think of a better title, but that's a place holder as of now lol! Anyways go check it out if you have time! Any who Tootles for real now!


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