Part 4

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'Bom diggi' to 'Naja naja'- the speakers were bursting with the peppy jumpy songs making the backyard full of people dancing in the beats.
Sitting at a far corner with a glass of wine Ipshita was looking at the crowd with a wishful glance. Beside her stood her father who had come out at backyard at his daughter's tail, not being able to be certain that his daughter was in a secure and right company or atmosphere. Standing with a smug face Shuvro scanned the yard looking at the crowd. Now as following him all the relatives of every age had gathered here, but instead of joining on the dancefloor they were sitting at the portico chairs whispering into each other's ear while looking at the younger generation dancing - like the judges of a dance reality show they were!
Hence Ipsita's situation didn't quite change. Her eyes darted towards the very middle of the crowd where Amit,   Rimli, Paromita and the centre of her all attention Akash were grooving at the with beaming smile on their faces. Akash although had no idea about the pair of eyes on him. He was busy swinging his hips with his sister's would be cousin - sister in law, Joyeeta.
Ipshita had noticed Rimli waving at her asking her to join them and she had shaken her head remorsefully when Amit knowing her well just shook his head.
Paromita's eyes catching the action asked Rimli why wasn't Ipshita joining them! "She is sitting alone among the elders!" And frowned at Ipshita who smiled back.
"Her parents are here!" Chuckled Amit. "Shuvro uncle doesn't really like these things!"
"Oh!" Paromita pouted a little sadly looking at Ipshita. She remembered her from fifteen years ago little. The girl was meek even back then just her eyeballs would run around with a sparkle in them as if they had so many stories to tell but rather won't.

Meanwhile, a tall figure with grumpy face stood at the doorstep of the yard and taking a glance of whom Nilesh who till now were playing the music, without losing one moment put off the speakers making everyone snap their face at his direction.
With a visual scowl on his face, Dr Anindya Chatterjee stood there scanning the whole place and then looked at Nilesh with scorching eyes. Making a face he helped "you think it's a nightclub or what? What is going on in here? It's a gentlemen's place!!!" Saying his eyes again kept roaming on the crowd looking for the main culprit who he knew who he was.
The apparent culprit though a long back imagining his death sentence was trying hard not to be seen. Ipshita bit her lips to stop from grinning, as from the corner of her eyes she saw Akash ducking down behind Amit and Rimli having his teeth clenched and eyes shut with the intention of being invisible.
Paromita rushed towards her father to calm him down. "Baba! Baba!" With a negotiating tone, she approached her father. "I was the one to ask for this. This is my last night in this house baba and you saying no for the bachelorette." She drew a half-hearted smile as the mention of the 'last night' cracked her voice. And working like a magic Butu's eyes softened while his eyes started hurting with the same emotion. Blinking he put his hand on his daughter's head.
The relatives started talking now saying how it was wrong of Butu to ruin the fun and his daughter should be granted this. All this intrusion just made the furrow on his forehead deeper but the begging and expecting eyes made he smiled through scowls.
"Okay fine!" In softer than chiffon tone words came out of the father's mouth and his son hiding behind people rolled his eyes at the 'discrimination'. Butu smiled at his daughter who smiled back and put her arms around her father's torso. But then bringing the scowls at the relatives just sitting of the chairs he growled "But what are you people going here just sitting around? There are so many works inside and Pulu alone is handling them all. Come inside the house at once!" The relatives scowling started expressing annoyance.
"Only you have wife Butu! My goodness!" One of then taunted.
But rolling eyes Anindya growled "you people are doing no favour to anyone. On the contrary, these kids won't be able to have fun under your watches. Go inside!" Ushering them he turned towards Niles, "and play some good music. What are these?"
"I-I have some good devoting songs uncle. Sho-should I play them?" Having his heart on his hand Nilesh asked and earned such a glare that if it was in the Satya era he would have turned into ashes by now.
Paromita throwing a glare at Nilesh let out a giggle and scratched her father's belly to come him down.
Butu then left ushering his friends, cousins and sisters once again to follow him inside the house saying to Paromita  "And tell your brother to come out of hiding and join me at my study. We have some situations for tomorrow to discuss!"
"Dad let him be!" Paromita whimpered but her father was gone before even listening to her words. With a sour expression written on his face, Akash tailed behind him throwing a poker face at his sister.


"Leaving his hair and eyes your son is totally your carbon copy Butu!" Tuli beamed turning her glance from Akash to Anindya.
"Isn't it?" Rupanjana interjected agreeing. "Only eyes and hair are like Pulu as well as Paromita."
"Exactly! Remember Butu in college!" Tuli, with excitement sparkling in her eyes, looked at her husband who had his eyes on his mobile scrolling on an essay.
"Don't forget the temperament." Without looking up Shuvro replied and Pulu's voice across the room came through.
"Exactly! " she laughed. "Akash is a clone of his father!"
Although the discussion was carrying a positive vibe, nighter the father nor his son seemed happy with it. One did not want his son to be like him the second could not believe that he and his father had anything in common.
Hence the later voiced his disagreement, "On the contrary! I think I am more like you maa." He grinned putting his arm affectionately around his mother. "Charming and good looking as always." And threw a wink and received a playful slap on his head.  The situation didn't go down with the father either. Rolling his eyes and finishing his cup of tea Butu ushered his son to follow him in the study to talk business of tomorrow.


"Your father is nowhere around! Come dance NOW!" Rimli threatened grabbing Ipshita's hand. The later hesitated watching the crowd of unknown people on the dance floor but before she could open her mouth to utter anything she was up in the air on two strong arms of Amitabh. Taking her in his arms and lipsynch with the Punjabi dance number that was booming through the speakers, while studiously avoiding Ipsita's shocked face, Amit rushed towards where the others were gathered, dancing.


After half an hour when Akash reappeared at the backyard with more food passed by his mother, the scenario was different though he didn't notice it right away. He walked towards the temporary stalled bar and food stall at the corner of the ground where Joyeeta stood seeping vodka with another cousin sister of her. She was waiting for him and seeing him returning both of their faces lit up.
"Was uncle being hard on you?" Joyeeta asked as Akash put the foods down. Instantly for some reason, a chuckle rolled out of his throat.
"My father doesn't get hard on me." Chuckling out loud he replied.
"What? But he seemed pretty mad!" The girl wondered.
Heaving a sigh he shook his head in negation. "It's impossible to stay mad on this face for long Joyee. Don't you agree?" With a wink, he replied making Joyee blush like a beetroot. Smiling she looked at the crowd to check on her brother to notice that he was busy with notice his would-be wife, Paromita. Joyeeta, satisfied from seeing no eyes inched a bit towards him to ask for another dance. Licking off the marinara sauce from his fingers he gave a node and grabbing her hand strolled towards the crowd.
And just as he was shaking his head around with the beats of 'Buzz' his eyes caught a particular figure swaying her body with the music like the siren she was. Amazed, not realizing that he had stopped dancing he stood there watching the girl in the dark red-blue Anarkali kurta and how she was turning almost all the heads towards at her. Shamelessly enough he couldn't but imagine that figure shedding that piece of cloth off her.
'Who is this girl!' His mind asked without rolling his eyes up enough to look at the face as they roamed on her torso, cherishing the fire that it was creating inside him with the help of the alcohol that was inside him.
Unknowingly he started strolling towards her and reluctantly enough he tore his eyes from her lower body to look up to her face. And with a jerk, he stood where he was as he looked at the face with a pair of big brown big spaces on them.
"Fuck!" The words came out of his mouth. 'Ipshita! Shuvro uncle's daughter!' His father would surely kill him if he had done anything with any of kin of his father's friends. And specially Ipshita.
Just the last night it was when Pulu told Akash to pick up Shuvro and Arun's family from the airport, knowing Shuvro had a daughter surely Akash's face lit up thinking of some interesting prospects. But instantly he was warned by his own sister's hissing "Don't even think about having your way with that girl. Dan with literally chop you like onions." And he somehow had the idea that his father was capable of doing that.
With that in mind, Akash made a face and moved towards the food sta to grab another drink, avoiding Joyeeta's asking of 'What happened' totally...

So here was the part. Hope you like it. Now please comment and vote and also follow me to get updates about the updates of this story and more...

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